Friday, May 30, 2008

Could what i believe true enough for me to actually believe?

Alright,back home. Went out with baby today,to...Orchard & Bugis.
One word to describe,my leg is damn damn tired. :( Anyone,buy me a iSqueeze. LOL.

Well,suppose to get what i want. However,when i reached Bugis,i seems to be just strolling & walking passby the shops,each and everyone of them. Looking at them,wondering what i wanna get. LOL! Ended up,i gotten nothing. :( Again okay. :(

Perhaps i go on my own next time,yeah..

Well,before going to Bugis,we went to Wisma. Ate ice-cream,yummylicious. (: & then Baby headed to Flesh Imp. He brought two tee shirts at $39. (: He gotten his,i've yet to got mine. :(

Afterwhich,suppose to head back to Orchard to help my momma to get the Camera,however. Due to my laziness,i din't. :( Trained back to Jurong instead then suppose to go back home,then decided to go to Baby's house to play with his brother. HAHA. They showed me their baby photos,those pictures are really cute. Esp Long Long(Baby's bro.) HAHAHA,it's seriously cute pleaseeeee. HAHA.

Aftermath,i headed home...


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Even if.

I've typed alot,but i backspaced alot too. Nothing to post,i'm just dead bored. Life is getting a bit offtracks. I'm just hoping for better tomorrow. (: Bye.

All, it could be all over.

"I realise, he's everything you wanted. He's the most you cared about. You ps-ed your friend just because of him. I guess you only needed him. well, that's fine with me. cause i no longer cares. & the reason why i hated him so much, is because, ever since he stepped into your life, you've changed drastically. Since he's the first thing in your mind, so be it. I've got no comments & i wouldnt bother stuff like this anymore. I've grown up, i'm independent."
Adapted from (you know who.)

You said you're a grown up girl,you said you're able to live on your own. Yes,indeed you said all this. But you don't know how much i felt behind all the scence. You don't realise a single shitxzo. You told me to be with him,then you said you dislike him,then you said you don't wish to bother anymore. Tell me,what is all this? Bullshitxz?

Why everyone is that same pattern? Why can't you all understand? Why do you girls hafta use that so nasty word 'ps'? Is that the only word to describe? Is it so? Is it? Why you couldn't you all just understand? You,you should understand more,but infact,i realise you don't. Is ps that word really that nice to you? Did i ever ever once used that word on you,anyone of you? Did i? Or maybe i did,& could have forgotten. But in my memory space,i remember i don't. But you girls? Use that word as & when you like it. Can't you all just be more mature & stop using the word 'ps' ? It sound like a total kiddish.

Forget it,carry on...

Everytime i could stand by you,i lend you my shoulder to cry on,i did all my best for the bestest friend,we once said nothing could do us apart. Have you even forgotten it all,so? It's just less than a few months,you said i change. I knew i change,who told me to treasure him,him,him? Who told me not to gave up? Who,who,who?

I din't know that once she stepped into your life,you too,changed. I stop myself from blaming her & you,cause i knew it's all my fault. I'm trying to aviod you & you. I knew you'd be reading all this. I knew,but i don't care. I just wanna post out how i feel.

When i'm really down,where were you? Yes you're once being there with me when i was really down,really facing the down slopes of life,you're there for me,i knew it all. I see it as a gift from heaven,at least someone i could confide on. But it's no longer this way. No longer how we used to be.

From the us,we could chat almost anything,everything. Till the us,we couldn't even have a proper talk. Somehow a talk could lead to a quarrel so something. I'd rather we don't talk or even interact.

Tell me,is this what you so call nothing could do us apart? & we even hooked our fingers,saying that not even a single guy could do so? Din't you? I think you forgotten that night,i bet you really did. All you think of is not about 'Felicia' anymore,is about '____' . Ain't you? But did i even wanna mention this to you? Thanks god for those hints,you did catch the lil' tweeny weeny bits of hints. No,not just lil' bits,but alot infact.

That past,i hated him to the maximum,did i even quarrel with you over him? Did i still not listen to you & try my way out to 'accpect' him? Din't i? Din't i!

Just a one paragraph,you push all the faults to me,what do you think all this is? You treat this like a kindergarden 'Friends Game' ? I can tell you,i don't treat it this way.

You're once my bestest friend,my bestest confide,bestest listening ears. But i could say,it's all so yesterday,you never wanna become one anymore & never will be there for me anymore cause you had your new confide,new lisetening ears,new pair of shoulders. I'm worn out,dirty & thrown aside.

Is this just the end? It's not just me alone to decide.

Is the a Friendship Game for you & me? I thought this won't come to an end,but somehow i knew,it's all ending soon. It's all no longer like before.

You said you realise? But infact you don't. You don't know a single shitxzo. You just knew 'my faults x 1000'. I knew,yes i knew the very best of you & i helped you when almost everyone turns their back on you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It all gets better in time.

Well,i just got home..not quite long ago (Roll eyes upwards and think real hard) Ya,i guess so. HA. It's all so randomxzo. :DD I feel like eating Fries again,shitxzo okay,in the way i'm eating & eating,i'm no way gonna get my fats burn off okay! >:( Fancy there's still people saying i look like a bamboo when i don't even look like one >:( Are all this 'suan-ing' or complimenting? :(

Oh well,meet up with baby today & pei him for 3 hours straight. >:D Heh heh,i'm always with him & i'm very happy that i'm. :D I skipped guitar today,& today's my last lesson. Baby,very big scarifice hor! >:DD Heh heh,for you only neh. :D

Nin neh,i wanna eat fries lehh. >:(

Okay,eat dinner with baby & went off to playground & slack. That play ground is clean and cool,can consider going there again next time. Big somemore lehhs! & it's really windy when it comes to the night time. :DD

Going to bugis this friday with baby accompanying me. :D I lurbbbexz Babyxzxz! :DD I'm going for a shopping. Momma sponser lehxz,why not! Ha. Maybe going to singapore expo tomorrow because there's a Popular fair there,going there to buy assesment books to do during school holiday. Momma don't wanna me to go work,so i don't go lor. Take it as i accompany my momma & i can help her do house work. :) Lemme be mummy's lil' girl. :DDDD

Alright,i needa go already. Takecare peepoayes. <3

It feels so free & better off without ______. Or am i just deciving myself?

Popped a sweet. 8)

Alright,i'm going out now with momma. :D
Ask her buy clothes & stuffs for me,hooray! (Insert Big Fat Smile)
I'm happy happy happy. :D

Alright,gonna rain soon.
Takecare peepoayes! Remember to bring a brolly out! :D


I've popped a sweet in my heart,i seems so sweet now.. :D

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It'd be too late to turn back time.

Well,i'm having some kind of gastric problem again i guess? Cause i don't know why,i keep wanting to vomit alot. :( I ate,i wanna vomit. No,not like what you thing that sort of stuffs okay. It's not P_______. -.- Definitely it's not,duhhh.

First was diarrhoea,secondly was bad headache that make me sleep the whole entire day today. Freaking hell stupid please. I feel so tired now,& i still feel like sleeping. :X Now,here comes the gastric problem. What-the-hell please. :(

Rawr,i don't wanna say anymore. My eyes hurts,i wanna go to my bed & lie down now,my gastric don't kind of feel well. :(


If letting go could be the best resort.

Alright,i sleep till 12pm this afternoon. Coolness alright. Without a single shitxzo bugging me to get outta my bed & get myself clean up,y'know. It's ( shiockness + freedomxz ) cause mainly,no one is home now! :)

I'm dead tired & bored. My freaking hell stomach is still having weird feelings & also,my head is abit giddy & having a lil' headache. Shitxzo. :(

Baby's having his lessons in school today,like other normal days just that he don't hafta wake up so early to attend school,that's better i think. :) I miss him a hell lots alright. :(

Oh yes! I watch the news yesterday at channel U. You know what? I saw those rescue-ers,carrying out a small lil' girl, out from the topple buildings,and that lil' girl's facial expression was still there,& she's all stiff & harden already. What the hell right? This is all so saddening. :(

Aghh,i needa go back to sleep again. I don't feel quite right up there & my stomach's too. :(

So,bye peepoayes. :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Was i being too navie? I guess so.

While waiting for baby to call me,i shall crap abit here. 8)
I'm so dead bored/tired/sleepy. :/

I'm so sad. :( I don't know what to say suddenly,my mind went blank outta sudden :/
Whatever. Shall end here.

Bye. :/

Nothing is forever lasting.
Even friendship can sometimes be disgusted as a 'illusionary' lasting one.
Now i realise,i was the one being the navie thinking was all one way.
It was never a two way one. Ha,how could it all turn out to be?

I guess it's time for new friends to come in & join my life. & its really true to a saying that goes like this : ' Nothing could last forever like you thought,it'd all be a come-and-go thing. It'd soon be over. True friends & close friends develope from your upper sec life,even those crazy things you all could ever do,it'd all be left with memories.' I've gotta move on with life. There isn't only one friend. :)

I'm insocialable,how? HA.
True friends needn't you to go search for.
It'd come naturally.

I'm conscience clear & glad that i've done so much for 'em.
It's time to let go of that old & navie thinking. I've gotta move on with life.
Nothing could lemme stuck & not move on with life.

You'll will still be my friends. But i'm really sad to say. It's not like how we use to be anymore.

People never appreciate what i've done so much for'em.

Well,got my job quitted. I'm dead tired & i'm having diarrhoea since this early morning about 6 plus in the morning. Such un earthly hour isn't it? :( I'm still having diarrhoea now & then,hope that my diarrhoea will go off soon. I hate to drag my feet into the toilet & squat there till i fall asleep & that shitxzo still have yet to come out from my anus please. >:#

I'm so dead tired.

Went to bugis today with mummy,which i was thinking that my diarrhoea had gone 'away'. No,it hasn't. Suppose to ask mummy to buy things for me over at bugis,however i'm not in the mood to walk & look for the things i wanted. Fine,went back home. Slept through out the journey back home in the cabby.

I look fucking pale when baby came to visit me. :( My mouth was white in colour. How saddening can it be? Tsk,why am i this weak uh? Tsk tsk tsk! >:( Nevermind,i've quitted anyway. Shall work at home & earn "kaching kachings". :) Mummy hire me to do housework for her. Super flexible time. :) Can sleep till as late as i want siol. :DD

Alright,i shall end my craps here.
I wanna my "kaching kachings" asap. I wanna go shopping y'know! :(
(Insert ultra many sad faces. )

Say Bye to Ichibantei! :DD
Say Hi to Houseworks. :(

Alright,i shall cut the crap & end this B-o-r-i-n-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g post here.
Byebye peepoayes. :)

In life,i'm born to help,but soon i became a nosy parker.
I help peepoayes around me,when i never got anything in return & i never wish for.
However,when you helped them out,they thank you whole heartedly.
But soon,they left your 'help' you once gave them at the back of their mind.

New friends came in,old friends thrown.
Was that the theory i ever wanted? No.
I help,yet i became someone,they never wanna repay kindness to.
I help,yet i became someone easily forgotten.

You forgotten all so..
Was this friendship gonna go down to drain like this?
We ain't like how we used to be,you don't know how much i treasure the friendship.
All the things we've done,you forgotten it all,so.
I'm living life with despair.
I'm not how i once used to be.
I'm dread,me.

You understand? Ha,no you don't.

How i wish someone could understand & read my mind.
Could you understand.... ?

Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm bastard's bitch. (8

Thursday,22nd May.

Well,worked. Tired,worn out. Reached home at 12am. Freak right? My stomach hurts that day,cause i stuff too much food. My bad right? Shitxzo me please. Duhhhh. Went home,slept. Skipped school quite alot of times this week.

Friday,23rd May.

Today i din't go to school,again. :)

Alright,back from Wild wild wet (WWW).
Alright,it's plain shiockness pleaseeeeeeeeeee,don't say i'm 'mountain tortise' ,cause i know i'm one. It's not my fault for being my first time there at WWW okay! Like please,i don't have the time alright!

Went to wild wild wet today with Dawnknee,Junli,Sihua. (: Love them alright. Went to wild wild wet to so called celebrate Junli's birthday in advance. Well,it's really fun to play that Family float & the U-shaped thingy. Forgotten what they name it as already,so-ya. Whatever alright. As long as my readers know what i mean. If you don't know,then go around asking. :)

Went to Shiock pool to slack. & then went to playground & play. Image spoiled. Hair is damn messy alright. HAHA! Whatever,it'd be so...

Oh ya,while we're on our way to Pasir ris from Boonlay. We saw this aunty that freak everyone out like,T-O-T-A-L-L-Y. But sadly,we din't video it down,if not you'd know how scary that aunty is alreay. >:(

You know what? She's about insane as what we guess from her actions. It's because,she hurried down the train & she push this girl's bag & she look kind of depressed. I guess she has some illness or she could have seen 'some things'? Okay,speaking of it,makes my gooseberry stand,cause it's freaking hell errie alright. Ewwwwww! :(

Oh well,brought Junli Happyhouse Pencil box,it's pretty cute & cool. Have yet to seen anyone using it. So yeah,shiockness. :) That Pig there is cute & those heart shapes are nice & cute tooo! :D

After playing over at wild wild wet,we decided to leave the place & went to bath & changed. Off to buy that very very yummylicious waffle. It's really nice,miss those chalet times,ass! 8) Afterwhich,we headed to interchange & then trained home,all of us was wear out & we slept in the train. Doze off after we board the train. After 1 hour plus & we headed to Kfc at central & meet up with baby. Then here comes Junli & sihua after awhile. Soon,i & baby left,due to...i-needa-go-home-asap-because-mother-says-she-wants-to-go-out. Duh,sad cannot accompany baby. :(

Alright,i shall go off already.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

He's my greatest sin.

Alright,i'm back home. It's like so-finally. (Insert Relief face.)

I woke up damn early this morning,it's sucha unearthly hour. Not good.
My pimples are popping out like once again. Shitxzo okay. >:[
I hate pimples,it sucks a hell damn lot okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :(

Well,i woke up at 7.30am in the morning. Skipped school.
(Ps: I'm sorry sihua,i din't sms you earlier. I overslept. -.-!)
Momma overslept & she cycle Weilun to school. That arsehole. >:)
He's sucha ass okay! >:) (Insert evil laughters.)

Well,i've to go work later on @ 6. I gotta get out of house at 4,cause i'm meeting Bii at 4.
Meeting Sophia @ 4.30pm. Holy,i hope she won't be late. She's always late for any case okay! Ha! I hope we'd get that $5.30. Hope that today's training will turns out well. I hope soo. :)

Alright,i'm bored now. Life is getting abit boring for me.
I'm looking for something thrilling. If you've any to recommend,please do inform me okay!
I love thrilling & exciting activities. I'm willing to participate if there's any but most importantly,it must be fun. :)

Alright,i shall end my crap here.
BYE! :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm Bitchxzo. (:

Haha,i'm Bitchxzo,agree? :D

Alright,i'm haywired up there,ignore me alright. Hahahaha! :D
I don't know why i'm kindda high & happy today. Hahahaha. :D
Baby went to Gek Poh to fetch me after my Guitar lesson today.
Love him plenty ogay. :D

Alright,i don't know what to post already.
Have to work tomorrow. :(

Wait,before i go off.
I wanna say. I start to treasure my lil' sissy more.
She'll soon be my one & only kin in the world when i grows up.
She'll only rely on me,cause by the time,i guess my parents won't be around already.
I needa help her pay her school fees & everything.
She'll only be my only left kin. The closest kin.
I really start loving her alot.

As the day i read the newspaper about the sichuan 7.8 magnitude earthquake.
Many childrens were dead unknowingly,innocently in that earthquake.
Many babies were dead too.
I'm really glad that my lil' sissy born out into my family.
In to Singapore; Safe & free from earthquake.
I'm really glad. I wanna the best for my lil' sissy.
I Promise,when i grow up.
I'll give her the best of everything.
I'll treat her well,definitely i will. :)

I love my lil' sissy,Fyn Toh Pei Xuan.

From the incident that happen in Sichuan,i start to treasure my kinship alot. I love FynToh. :)

Go read this.
After reading,i bet you'd start swearing & cursing lo. What the fuck.
That pervert. Sex Manic. Shitxzo him please!

Oh ya,i wanna go popular buy that story book.
I forgotten that tittle. It's interesting please..
I'm desparate for that book okay! :D


Alright,i don't know why i put that header as my Title. Haha.
I totally forgotten that i had to attend a course over at Bukit Batok ITE today.
It totally slips off my mind do you acutally know that? Sucks alright.

Reaching there,it's plain boring,watching those people doing nothing,slacking around.
It's uber boring listening to the talk for the What ever robotics they name it.
Sucks till one kind please. Duhhh. (Insert kukued look)

Eugune & Haorong had some trival matter tiff & it links me up too.
Like hello,has it got something to do with me? No,i don't think so.
It's simply shitxz i tell you. Whatever. -.-
Don't wanna elaborate too much,it's plain irritating & a waste of my time too. Duh.

Went back to school by transport & reaching there at 1.15 - 1.20pm.
Hurried & quicken up my pace & headed to the back gate,just nice. Bus 30 arrived. :)
Broarded & went back home. :)

Happy that i reached home so early.
Don't like to interact nowadays,boring. -.-

Alright,i needa go off now,tired.
(Insert tired face.)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hired! :)

Alright,hired! :D Happy okays,start working tomorrow,yeah.
Must must must reach there before 4.45 pm. Thus,meet up with twinny at 3pm. Hopefully we won't be late,cause Ivy(floor manager) will be very unhappy. Yada. :)

Jiayous for me & twinny then. :)

Well,meet up with baby after which. Went to buy his Layout pad at popular. Hur.
Loves max. :)

Alright,i don't know what to post anymore.
I just know,i needa Black jeans & Black shoes desparately. Awww. :(


Oh ya,by the way,i suddenly feel like saying. I hate backstabbers a hell lots & i friggin' hate nosy parkers. It'd irritates me alot,y'know! Tsk, & you know what?! I hate people who gossip behind me,alot. This sucks like totally..

I've no idea why i wanna blog this out,but i just feel like to.

I friggin' hell hate it,alot. Yes alot,fuck y'know. :(

Alright,nothing more. Bye.

Job interview later.

Alright,will be going for a job interview later with Twinny. Yada.
Alright,i hope they'll hire me luhhs,i wanna moolah alot. :(

Waiting for twinny,she's always late uh. HURHUR.
I hope to get cracking earlier. Cause,i can go shopping earlier then! :D

I've yet to eat anything frmo morning till now. Gonna go eat later.
Went to Dental Appointment earlier this morning,was late. Hur.
& good news! I'm able to take out my braces end of this year!
Cool okay! I'm happy happy happy! :D

& i changed the braces colour to Yellow colour already,Hurhur!
Happy happy happy okay! :DDDD

Alright,come back to post later,BYE! :D

Monday, May 19, 2008

Enjoyed. :)

Helloooos peepos. :)

Went to East coast as i posted earlier on this afternoon. I went there with Jun,her stead & Beloved Bi. :) I love the outing tons alright. I guess my parents like Bi too? Cause they look so friendly to him. Hur hur. :D

Alright,reach there at about 3 plus? Not too sure. Once we reached there,we started playing volleyball. Bi played with lil' sissy & Kuanhoe stood there & did nothing. Simply stonning away,HA! :D

After about 1/2 an hr later,we went to rent bicycle. However,due to my stupid-ness & Blur-ness,i thought it's further down the road & thus,much time is being delayed. Thus we reached that place at only 5.30pm & cycled till 6.15pm. Alright,then we walked to the Market which is near the lagoon. Hurhur. >:)

After which we took cabby back to Jurong point. Reached there & then Bi & i went off home. He brought his phone cover & screen protector. Haha! :D Nice nice. Goodness,my screen has got another extra scretches. Oh-My-God! :(

Reached home & then bathed. Talking with my Fivesomez now. :D Alright,bye! :DDD

I love Bi much. :)

Family day @ east coast park. :}

Alright,i'm going out soon to meet up with my Bi & then we're going to head to Jurong east to meet up with junli & her stead. After which,we're going to head down to Bedok & take bus ride into East coast park. Yada.

Family went over to east coast park first & i'm still here.
Cause i wanna meet up with Baby & then to meet up with co.
If not,i'd be sucha bad friend & stead to. Hurhur.

I hope i'd love the day out with them. I bet it'd be fun! :D
I love Baby tons & co tons to. :}

Alright,gonna fly off to find baby already.

Gonna play volleyball later on! Hurhur! I love volleyball! :D Woosh.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Keep bleeding love,

Vesak Day tomorrow & therefore,there isn't a need to attend school,public holiday is shiockness alright. I'm always looking super forward to school holidays & public holidays,cause that means i could have sleep longer in that cosy bed of mine,y'know? HA. :)

Alright,put a Rainbow sign infront of you nick,to help the people in china. Put it,no harm putting it yeah? Be good & put it,it shows that you've a heart. :)

Went to have my dinner with my family over at Vivo city. After the dinner,shop around while my sister went to the playground to play & father over there,watching over her.

Shop around,din't buy anything. Mum is waiting for the Great Singapore Sales which will be on next week & she'll be buying undergarments for me & as well as shoes? I ain't too sure,hope so. It's been so long since mummy get anything from me already. Yes,very very long already. Couple of months ago. :(

When we're about to go home,dad called mum up & he says that lil' sissy got herself bang on to the door of the shop,name MANGO. Mummy rush back to see if lil' sissy is alright & we saw her mouth swollen abit,at the top of her lips. How sad. She's sobbing in tears & blood around her face & mouth,heart starts to ache.

I don't know why i got so soft-hearted this easily for this few days. I cry very easily too,i somehow thinks that i'm getting more & more fragile,might crush anytime. :O!

Well,i'm dead bored now. Know what? I'm alway bored,did you notice that? Oh well,i shall end here,i guess this is the don't know how many post for the day itself. Cool uhrs. :D

I just wanted you to understand me more.
I just needed you to know what i'm down,thinking about.
I'm shutting myself outta the world,slowly.
I'm shutting myself outta everyone else.
I can't see the me i'm,who used to be.
I'm getting more & more unable to express myself fully.
I don't know what has gotten over me.
I cry very easily recently,in the middle of the night after hanging up the phone.

I really needa your true concern.
The concern i'm always desparate for.
The love i always craved for.
The need i always wanted.
The you,i always missed.

I don't wanna my post to sound so dull,always.
Always having emo nemo post makes me get so sick & tired of it.
How i wish you could understand me more,like how i always used to understand you.
But i'm always kind of lying to myself. Hoping that the next day might be a better day for me.
It may be true,sometime. But not most of the time.
I'm starting to hate the world i'm in.
How i wish i'm not in this world.
How i wish i could have something to numb myself.
I'm shitxzo bitchzo.


Could everything be as what i always want it to be?

Alright,the weather is really bad. Stuffy & hot too. Hardly it's windy. Whatever,duh. -.-

Well,i hope to work as soon as possible,gonna call up sophia later on in the night time. Ask her when will the interview be. Hopefully soon. I wish to work as soon as possible. I wanna earn moolah you know. Moolah Moolah. :}

Alight,know what? I've finished the mini toon's sweet Bi brought for me. Oh,i bet i'm gonna grow fatter,soon. HA! :( Oh,no no. I won't let it grow sideways,i'll let it grow upwards,instead. Hur. :D I wanna go out with Fivesomez & i wanna go out with Bi. I miss him a fug'hell lots,alright. Whatever,duh. I don't feel good today & also yesterday. It seems to be like,there's a very huge stone,laying flat on my heart. I'm so-unable-to-breath. :(

I'm sad,yes i'm.

Well,i'm going off to bath already alright. Hope to receive news about jobby soon. I wanna work,work work. :(


As if.

Morning Guys. Alright,i guess it's a rather late Greeting,oh well. :)

Alright,i'm going to Bedok to have my prayers & pay my visit to my uncle too. :) It's been 123456789xz years since i last visit him.

Oh well,Baby gotten the same phone as me,but is in white colour. Jealous alright. White & gold coating at the side of the phone,it's damn nice please. Goodness. :( Oh well,he's so damn happy as you can see from his blog. LOL! His first time in his life,changing into a new phone y'know. LOL! Can't blame anyway. :)

Oh anyway,he changed his number too.

& yes,i'm having my dental appointment this coming tuesday. Shag,i hope that my cousin will follow me there. Oh by the way,i'm finishing Abandoned by Anya Peters soon. I'm left with 3 chapters to go. HA! After finishing Abandoned By Anya Peters,i'll be continuing with I'd tell you i love you,but i'd have to kill you. Yes,so into reading story books nowadays.

Alright,i'm going off now.
Ps,I'm wearing your NF shorts now,LOL!

I din't know,i'm sucha fool to ask that.
Knewing that i'll make myself sad,yet i still tried to ask.
Everything could be fine if i din't even prompt that,isn't it?
I don't like it,the feeling deep down sucks.
You won't know,& don't ever say you'll know.
Unless you gone through what i gone through before.

Making myself like a fool,is what i always do.
I felt so ashame of myself. Bitchz.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Felt so much deep down.
I felt so much like crying out loud.
You never will know,never.
It's gonna be like this forever.

I'm at the second part of the world.
Holding on to the second tears of the heart.
Being the second in the every way i'm.
I somehow knew. I'm the happiest,yet the lonliest.

Don't ask me what is it about,just something it's about.
Don't ask me what is it. Cause i'm not going to say a single shitxzo.
I'm not someone so easy to know,cause i'm someone not going to,for you to know.


Alright,i'm back to post.
Went out with baby just now.
Went to IMM with him,& then into Daiso.
'Brought' two lil' metal balls for baby's D&T stuffs.

Baby & i had promised each other.
I'd work hard & study hard. & he's gonna work hard too.
This is the first 'yue ding' we've to complete too. Yes,it's a must.

Alright,i shall no post that much already,i'm going off to eat.
Bye bye. :)

Sichuan's earthquake make me realise that i'm fortunate enough.
I really hope they'd find more survivors. God Bless.

Earthquake. Heart-felt. :(

Sichuan 7.8 magnitude earthquake on the 12th May.
I read the newspaper early this morning. Reading those heart-felt stories.
Listening to my mother explaning the details to me. Telling how much they're suffering there.
How much the have to do to themselves to get themselves,just to live on.
They've to get their own right leg cut off from the underneath stones,if not,they'd die off.
How much i felt when i read those articles. How much i feel like crying.

Alright,post later. :(


Alright,back to post.
I just went to youtube to watch those videos,it seems like something struck my head. Like something in my head,asking me to do something for them. Watching them underneath the toppled buildings,& some crying for help. I can't help but when i watch those videos with my mother,my tears rolled down my cheek somehow.

I suddenly felt like i was the happiest & most fortunate girl in the whole entire world. Living in a very peaceful place,Singapore. Without those earthquakes,or hardship we've to go through. I felt so fortunate outta sudden.

Watching videos of the people over there,underneath the stones & blocks of humongous stones,make me felt that pinch down every inch of my heart. So bitter. Those children turn into orphanges over the night. Living in despair,nothing in the world seems to look bright to them. Some without legs,without hands,but to just let themselves live on,they've to scarifice their arms or legs.

If you're the ones there,or you're the one reading those articles,watching those videos & news. I'd bet you can't help but to let your tears rolled down. You won't unless you're that heartless. I bet my friends are not sorta.

May god bless them,hoping for the best in them. Wish that there'll be more survivors found underneath.

How i wish i can help out to...

Alright,offta. Bye. :(

Friday, May 16, 2008


Alright,results are all back,all at once.
Got so flabbergasted when i received my chinese results.
No,i din't fail,but i din't do as well as expected. I dissapointed myself.
I gotten the second position in class for chinese,i lose just by that freaking hell one mark.
I lost to vivien. If only i could done better in my Oral for chinese,that'd be great. I could still maintain my position in class already then. But sadly,i din't manage to. So,whatever. Forget it,do better for next time round then.

Overall,i passed all my subjects.
Yes,all. No doubts. But i doubt myself,Duh.
I fucking passed all,however. It's all a borderline passing.Do you know how freak it is ?Mathematics,i flunk badly for paper 2.I screw paper two up. Very badly done. I dissapoint not only myself,but also Ms Ng. Arghh,whatever. -.-

This is my results,a badly done one,despite passing all,yet i'm not happy at all :

English : 52% ;C6
Combine Humanities : 60%;B4
Mathematics : 54.5%;C5
Combine science : 58%;C5
Chinese : 69%;B3
Design & Tech : 50%;C6

Can i like bang my head hard on the wall & die off? Shitxz you know. The results are so shamful & i feel so ashame of myself. I din't do as well as expected. I find emp reasons to convince myself Like ,i did very well already,i had did my best & moreover,not to forget,i'm sick for the whole entire 1 week during exams. I did very well already. But no,it's getting nowhere into my head. It's more of like,i'm not putting in enough effort. I don't feel happy at all,not happy at all. I feel so ashame of myself.

I could have done better than this,much more than as expected,but no. People who are usually not studying are getting better grades than i do.

What a bitch am i. I can fuck off & die,seriously. :(

Okay,on the other hand. I improve in my science. Both physics & chemistry. Thanks god,i improved quite alot i must say. Gotta put in more hard work already,must! :) Alright,i shall stop self-demoralising already. Since everything is to be this way,then i shall look up to it & face it. It's reality that i've gotta face,accecpt the fact & do better for the next coming exams. :) Jiayous. :D

Oh yes,i'm at chapter 16 of Abandoned already. The book is really intersting,very. I almost cried y'know. That bastard 'daddy' of hers,made her to do blowjob for him. Please,do you know how disgusting it is? She's less than the age of seven just then. She's still struggling to know what is it all about that he kept telling her to do,she knew it was dirty,but she dare not defy his 'daddy' so afraid that anything she say might put him on an anger again & his fist laying on her face all over again.

I feel so sad when i read the book. She's a strong girl i must say. I pity her a lot & also i really look up on her a lot too. Her never die spirt makes me feel like she's like my role model.

Alright alright,maybe i'll be going to library with baby to do his Design & Technology & kumon's paper. & i'm now,going off to continue with my reading. Bye. :)

Am i one of those,or am i not?
i start to feel like i'm not in that _____ anymore.
I feel so much like leaving,storming out.
But i don't wish to speak a word.
I don't wanna feel the hurt.
I know ,i know i'm running away from reality.
But i can't afford to face up to the facts.
I'm weak,yes i'm. I'm not as strong as you think. Am not at all.
You're all so wrong. People who use to know me best don't seems to understand me any longer. People who use to be my very good friend don't seems to be as closer as before. People who 'used to be are' not 'used to be' , now. People says,every good things comes to an end,every good things has an end to it. When will mine end?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back from Library with baby.
Had great time with him,always i really do. :)

Oh,main point.
He gotten into a fight & i think it's that sec 3's fault. Yes,definitely it's his fault,who to blame? Him to blame. It's just a idiotic shitxz. Can't he just move his butt off the stairs? Does he really think that,the staircase really do belong to him? No,i don't think so. Oh,whatever. -.- He's just as unreasonable as a bastard. B is just B. Can't change the fact that he's a B.

He still have the cheek to pour his green tea at Jian xu when it's His fault. What the fuck please. So unreasonable. Oh,now i know,he's sucha unreasonable & petty bastard. Oh,how saddening. :) & he fucking hit my baby. He's better to die off. Have the cheek to scold,have the cheek to admit then. Have the cheek to pour & scold like a bastard,scold baby & jianxu infront of the teacher then. So what if a student like you don't have any records? That doesn't mean teachers have the right to judge a book by it's cover. What a cunning fox he's. Oh,bastard.

He's lucky that he bleed a little under baby's fist. I bet if he were to scold more,the more he'd bleed. What-the-fuck. Big size,broad shoulder,tall. So what,useless bastard. Only know how to scold verberlly,no actions. Just lil' small undeadly actions won't kill baby anyway. -.- Just one hit on you,you're so dead like an ants under my baby's lil' fuck shit finger.

You deserve it,bastard. Watch out for your ass,where you're landing on luh,bodoh dog. -.-

Alright,felt much happier after this post ,i feel like speaking up for baby,however,i don't know how to speak it verberlly,then too bad. Just type it out then,since i'm more to literally. Oh,whatever. HA! :D

Firstly,went to Jurong point's library. Then,headed to Jurong east library to look for Abandoned by Peters Anaya. Finally,i found it & thanks baby,for helping me to borrow that book. I'm gonna finish it as soon as possible. I will. :D

The first chapter only,it's already very intersting. Very. :)

Alright,having school tomorrow. Shitzxo. Getting back my results,am so panick stricken now. I'm afriad that the position i'm at,during CT1 & 2 won't maintain. I really hope i can get good results,but i know it my own,i din't put in enough hard work. No hard work means good results won't show. Sigh,also at the same time. Die.

Whatever,shall get my butt off the chair to help baby do his english homework & offta read Abandoned. :)

Goodnight earthlings.
Bye. :)

Boring,baby hafta stay back in school for don't know what reasons being.
I'm bored here. Not going to library,cause he's not going with me.
Thus,i'm going to catch some nap again.

I'm always sleeping & sleeping & sleeping,oh whatever,duh.
I'm so lazy nowadays,the feeling of laziness is killing me. HA!

Alrigh alright,pig wants to sleep already. Goodafternoon people. :)

Bye! :D

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Yes,i went out with Sihua,Junli & Dawn too. Oh my goodness,today is a very happy one,indeed. I very happy happy happy! :D I love the day out with them. - smirkles-

Oh,i'm so happy today.

Alright,i'm bored nowadays. Nothing much to do. Oh yes,by the way,we watch Over Her Dead Body @ cineleisure. It's a very nice show,a must watch Romance Comedy. Very nice,it's worth watching it,without regrets i tell you. For sure it'd be. :D Rating : 5/5 .

Alright,we went to cineleisure to shop around & then headed to The Hereen & then Mrt down to Bugis. & we look for jobs there. HA! The four of us found,& we're still waiting for the calls/smses. HA! Hopefully i'm able to get the job luhhs. -Money money money,continue chanting like idiot.-

Oh ya,by the way. Thanks baby,for the FBT shorts & the Newfuture shorts too. Thanks a plenty. I love the gifts very much,thank you alot alot. & also,thanks for that 520th Heart shape. I'll definitely put it inside the Bottle you gave me. :) I love you a plenty.

Alright,i shall post up tomorrow,a more detail version of what happen today ,alright? :DDD
Loves. :)

Goodnight,my dear earthlings. :)


Alright,this post is edited. Cause as i promised,i'll post a more detail post today. Due to tiredness yesterday,i din't really elaborate what happen,HA. i'm here to blog out everything. :D Ready to go? Carry on reading alright. :D

Okay. Firstly,i had my design & technology paper early in the morning & half way thru the paper,it rain like cats & dogs. Was kindda cold,yet the breeze is cooling. :D However,the papers for both D&T and F&N really sucks a big time. It's totally a very difficult paper & i doubt i'll get high marks,oh whatever. -.-

13 of us skipped assembly early in the morning,mainly due to laziness & side kick reason is due to we-don't-know-that-today-have-assembly. Oh,so whatever,it's sucha lame excuse as everyone can see,HA. & then,here comes my Co-form teacher. Oh-no,dead-meat. Nah,not really. Not as we thought,that deadly. HA! It's rather cool instead. We sat outside the staff room,facing the walls,sitting in a straight row for 1hr. After our form teacher left,we sat there playing & listening to songs,despite the teachers,walking to & fore. HA! Not awhile later,it started raining cats & dogs again.

Soon,we're release for our detention. Headed home immediately. Thanks god that the backgate is open for us. Oh,thanks alot. HA! If not,i'd be so drenched. Holy! HAHA. & know what,headed back to Jp to buy what mummy asked me to buy & then bus-ed home alone. & when i reach home,i smell a strong scent of curry-ness. -smirkles.- It's really nice & after i had my bath,i immediately ate that curry. Oh,mom's cook is always that superb. I love it. :D

Alright,after which,i went off to meet up with junli at 2pm at the interchange. & she's late again,as expected,HA! Well,then we headed to Orchard. Kindda lost our way there. Rang sihua up & asked her how do we walk & such. Then headed back to Mrt station & took the train back to Summerset & went to cineleisure. Catch the 3.30 show for Over her dead body at Cineleisure.

That show is seriously cool,funny & it's so so so damn nice. It's definitely a must watch show,serious. Must watch it okay? I wanna watch it again! I wanna watch! >:@ Baby,i wanna watch again,you wanna watch with me? Hehehe. :D

Rating : 5/5.

After which,we went in to the arcade at cineleisure. It's so damn empty,not as noisy as i expected,thus i agree to go in. Played that Don't know what dancing game,that para para thingy,i guess? Not sure,i laugh like mad,feel like an idiot playing it. Keep laughing like hell. Oh my goodness,image spoiled. HA! :D well,i never cared about imgae sucha things anyway. HA. Or should i say,hardly do i cared about it. HA!

Headed to The Hereen afters,then we shopped around. Saw that addidas watch again! The yellow is damn nice,serious. My heart is pounding the minute i saw that watch. It seems to be telling me, buy-me-back,buy-me-back. HAHA! -crazy- But then,sadly,if only i had that much money,i will definitely buy it back. For sure. HA! Then,headed to Flesh Imp,the clothes that sells there are nice & the Price Tags are nicer. HA! The hoodies from there cost 69.00 SGD. Oh my goodness. But it's nice & i think it's worth it lor. Yes. HA!

Shopped around & we went to see the bags,sihua's phyco-ing me to buy bags with her,not again. HA! But yes,i agree-ed with her that i'm going to buy that Super Large bag with her already,so yeah. HA!

Trained back to Bugis & then We shopped around bugis village & also we look for jobs at there too. While shopping,we look for jobs to. I realise,the second floor sells more floral dress & such & more boyfriend shirts too. It's really nice,i feel like stealing it back home. HA! Navie thinking,i know. xD HAHAHA!

Suddenly,know what? I've got the feeling of trying out stealing. But i know is a bad thing to steal,so i needa drop that idea off my mind,asap. HA!

Afters,we went to Sony gallery to see if they are still selling the PSP,alone not. However,not anymore. They're selling it with games. So,i think it's not worth it? Yeah. So saddening.

Oh yes,by the way,i found a job,however,i needa wait for that person's sms/call. Yeah,next week. I hope to get her call like as soon as possible laas. I wanna start working as soon as possible,like you know. Money issues again. HA! :D

After that the four of us found a job each,however,we needa wait. Yes,wait then. :D

Headed back to Jurong Point,went to Junli house to have steamboat,my stomach freaking hell bloated. Oh goodness,damn damn full. Oh well. Had a fun time with them. Cabbed home with sihua. The uncle drive very fast & the cost is only 4.20SGD. Cool. HA! :D Then baby sent me home & then he went off.

He brought me a Newfuture shorts & also a Fbt shorts. I love it very much alright. Thanks a plenty baby. :) & yes,he finally gave me the 520th heartshape. Thanks,will put it inside the bottle soon. :D I love you baby! :D Plenty plenty. :D

Yes,thats about what took place yesterday.

Let me talk about today.

Woke up at 11.15am. Brush my teeth & then ate my breakfast & lunch too. Mom helped me to squeeze out all my pimples. Oh goodness,it's so painful. Goodness! :( But nevermind,as a girl,we must protect our face,HA! :D & then,i'm here blogging & waiting for baby.

I wanna go to Library,i wanna freaking hell dig that two books out y'know! >:@ Rawr. Freaks.

Alright alright,i shall shut my mout now,in case,you guys find me a nuisances. HA! :D
Bye! :D


-Throw pencilbox & scream!-

I've finally endure through the hardest 3 weeks of exams already! So finally,my exam has come to an end already. & i'll be enjoying myself for the next 1 month. Have to come thinking about it,it's seriously very fun you know! Oh,cool. -smirkles-

Oh,im going out soon,very soon. About 5 more minutes. I'm here,giving it a short post.

Well,am meeting junli @ 1.30 at Jurongpoing interchange,however,i knew she'd for sure to be late,so i rather go there late too. So that i needn't wait for her for so long,standing there,without entertainments,is boring. :(
We're going to Bugis to look for sihua,hopefully she've gone over to Bugis already.

& yes,i finished my Last paper,which is Design & Technology. No hope for it already,many says that they're gonna flunk it for sure. & me? I'm sure to flunk it too. Either fail,or i'll have marks like,just pass? Oh no,having to think about it,makes me feel like weeping. Oh well,shalln't brood over spilled milk,look forward to the next common test then,& work harder for it.

& Teacher says,she'll be calling us(D&T) students back to school during school holidays to complete our Course work & also,the product making. Shitxzo. -.- (Insert plenty sad faces.)

Tell you what,i'm going to work harder for the next half year. & also,i'll endure through the days without seeing baby that often,due to his coming up N level which is gonna arrive in no time & he's gonna get started with his works already & he's gonna have lesser time with me,& definitely it'd be. How saddening will it be? Sigh,nevermind. I'll be with him when he needs me. I'll be good & i will try not picking up quarrels with him alright,hopefully. :(

Alright,i'm gonna be late! Gotta run! -Phew,Gone!-

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I scored 42.5/60 for my Mathematics paper 1,oh goodness! I freaking hell flunk it can! I'm suppose to score much more better than this. It's sure to be better than this,but i din't even bother to study hard & now i'm here regretting like freak. Oh,whatever. Duh. -Roll eyes- & it's my Mathematics paper 2 today,it's damn difficult i tell you! For goodness sake,you know what,almost all the question i've got no confidence in,having them to be correct. Shitxzo. I need buck up more already!

Oh,btw. I told my mother my marks for my Mathematics paper 1,she's kindda glad,but after i told her,the paper is difficult,she gave me that shag face & say,"then die liaos lor." Then i laugh. Hahaha,crazy me,duh. -.-

Having my last paper tomorrow! Freak,i needa go school alone. So saddening please! :( Hais,going to cineleisure tomorrow,maybe? With sihua & dawn. Gonna catch some movies over at cineleisure & after which,will be going to Bugis to look for Job,hurhur! I wanna get a job like asap laas! & wanna buy all those pretty pretty clothes,shirts,blouse. It's all so beautiful,nice & sweet too! Never to forget,i wanna get the addidas watch too! I want all the three colours! Ha,okay,i must be crazy,but i seriously like the three colours,it's duper ultra nice please! I want lehxzxz! :(

I wanna buy schoolbag too,my schoolbag makes me look like a traditional geek. Oh,well,forget it. -.- I'm a geek from pri school till now,& i'm still gonna be for my next few years life,No. :D Heh heh,i'm gonna change my appreance that appear towards other one hor! I don't want to always be a geek,look so nerdy,HA!

So many things i wanna buy. But definitely,i'm not going to ask any money from my parents to buy them or get them for me laas,i'm gonna get it all on my own,using my own money. hopefully,i'm able to get everything i want. :D

Oh,talking about studies again. I wanna score well for my overall marks. Which means,i wanna have the overall percentage for my Mid-year to be at least,65% & more? Yes,that's what i'm craving for,but i doubt i'll get so,why? Because,i'm sick for the whole entire week last week,without even taking care of myself . Shitxz me please. Hope i can score well. Having last paper tomorrow! I needa mug hard for the last paper already! Last paper manxz! Shiockness already okay! I hope i can score well for Design & technology. I seriously wanna beat the rest,but i doubt my ability to do so. Shag.

Alright,stop the study...

Back to other topics.

Shit i tell you,everything in my mind now is to have $$ ,HAHA! i ponder,since when i became so money minded. After i've gotten a job,i wanna work everyday & i wanna earn alot of money to repay kindness to Baby. :D He always treat me with nice foods & all sorts of things without even wanting me to pay a single shit. I seriously feel bad each time i went out with him. I don't wanna make him go broke because of me. I wanna him to save money. & also,once i gotten my pay,i wanna get him something as the present from me,for not only his birthday,our monthsary for the few months back which i owe him de. I will definitely get him something big,& not small. :D

I love baby! :D

& then,the left over money,i'll go shopping sprees! :D Coolness manxz! Oh god,i'm going crazy over clothings,clothings,clothings. Goodness,i'm crazy.

You know what,i find myself crazy & pevertic in the sense that,i always look at pretty girls on the streets when they passesby me. Some are fucking hot please! Sometimes i even told baby to look at them. Oh goodness,they're freaking hell hot. I love hot girls & hot guys. Or sometimes even gay or Lesbians. Oh,how cool manxz! & i really dooooooooooooooooo envy those pretty,rich & femine girls. They're all so cool please! How i wish i could be one too. Or have friends like this. HA!

Alright,it's all like some fantasy talk now. Whatever,this is my blog,i'm free to rant anything all i want to. :D

Fine,i shall shut up here then. Bye! :B

Monday, May 12, 2008

I wanna have haircuts & i suddenly crave for Minitoons sweets,those Gummies! I suddenly feel like eating sweets lorr. Damn! :( Sigh,i miss baby very much. He's yet to be home,sadded.
Gotta go wait for him ler. :D
With loves,

Oh god,had pizzhut as lunch today with baby. Goodness him,he's always asking for good food,well,no wonder he grows & put on so much weight,but i like it. HA! I kept piniching him today & i bite him too! Oh,he's under my torture for 5 months already,HA! No,to be exact,only few moths ago i start torturing him okay! HAHA! Okay,i sounded so pervertic here,stop me,shut up-my mouth. :El

Alright,went to library with baby today,was helping baby to finish his English tuition homwork for the whole entire afternoon we spent at Jurong west national library. The homework formats are weird okay! Goodness. >:# & it's shivering cold over at the national library & i actually din't bring my jack along. For goodness sake,i'm so dumb! >:(

Alright,then we went to somewhere near my house's cosy coner to let baby finish up his copying & i'm there,revising for my Desing & technology which is coming up the day tomorrow. Kiasu,you might think,but there's actually alot to study for,alot really. I'm burning my brain cell up now! Goodness la! :( I needa hae more memory space for me to memories more! & wth i tell you! My class is the only class in the whole Normal (T) & (A) cohort that will be returning to school for the last paper! How pathetic ! What the shit please! >:# I'm gonna go to school A-L-O-N-E already,cry please! :( I've to travel to & fore alone! This is so saddening! :(

I so freaking hell miss baby now,seriously i miss him alot. Damn lot. :( I'm crying out loud now! Oh-no,just kinddang alright. :) I just miss him way too much. Damn,i'm gonna get him into deep trouble,cause,i helped him with the homework & i'm sure,there's gonna be alot of mistake here & there,where he needa redo everything,like all over again. Ah-mi-tuo-fo,hope he will not have too many mistakes.

Alright,i'm bored now,will be having Mathematics paper 2. My second last paper. Gonna strive for the very last lap already! Gonna enjoy my holiday,out everyday! :DDDD Sure to be! I'm gonna go-get a job asap! I wanna many many dollar sign & go shopping spree with baby! :D That's why i'm looking forward the most! >:) Heh heh.

Okay,bye. Gotta run! :D
I miss baby.

Baby is seriously a slow air pork okay! He's super duper,uber slowwwwwwwwwww. Cook him up & eat him down my intestine,rawr! >:) Heh heh. -evil smiles,winks.-

Haha,alright,i'm going to library with that slow air pork,fyi,this air pork can't frigging hell fly anywhere,haha! He's stupid,irritating,slow! Haha,baby,just kinddang,no hard feelings. :D I'm bored waiting for him at home. He's gonna wear his Mr. Cheerful shirt out now! :D Finally! That shirt is,that day we went to queensway,then we came across to it de. Damn cute & nice i tell you,somemore is Yellow in colour lehhs! My favourite colour,coolness! :DD -beams!-

Alright,i'm going off to get myself changed & offta meet him already! :D Bye!

Offta Library!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Alright,today's our 5th month already,hope that things will turn out well & better as time goes by. I hope that my thoughts will soon be fulfilled. :)

Alright,i'm not going anywhere with baby today,cause most probably,he's going to get his handphone changed today,& also,he's having his swimming lessons today. So,we're not going anywhere.

Maybe,later when baby's having his swimming lessons,i'll go & watch? Hmmm,shall see about it. :)

I'm ultra bored now. Staying home,doing nothing,is boring. Alright,i shall reply tags now. :)

Replies :
Michelle! : HELLOS! :D You too,jiayous tooo yups! :D LOVES! :D
SIHUA : You too! Jiayous for your maths too! :D
Sheryl! : HAHA,yes yes! kindda chim. You jiayous too uhrs! Love you too! :D
JUN! : No laas,nothing happen. Am fine. :) Thanks for concern.
Junhuat : No laas,nothing happen,am fine. :) Thanks for concern. Hi anyway. thanks for tagging too! :)
sihua! : HELLOS! :D :33333
xinyi<3 : Uh? You saw me!? Where? HAHA! Jiayous too! :D
JUNGUI! : Haha,jiayous too! :D Seeya! :D

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Alright,i din't have tuition today,shiockness.
But was kindda shag upon receiving the news,saying that there'll be no tuition,because. I went out of the house already,stupid please. -.- Duh.

Alright,went to baby's house for some buffet sorta thing.
Met up with him first then to meet up with meiting.
Afterwhich we went to Jurong Point to have Ljs.
And then headed back to Jurong,& we went to Jian xu house.
Played Play station with baby & i won two matches against him.
He only won one. :D
I'm the winner! :DDD Say yess! :D

Alright,then headed to meet the rest of his clique.
Then we went to his house. Many of his brother's friends were there already & his relative.
Ya,his cousin is handsome indeed,so does his cousin's Girlfriend.Perfect match uh. :)
After which,ate a lil & then we went into his room.
Then yanzhen reached & he ate.

Headed to playground,they play blind mice,i sat there & watch.
Not soon after,baby sent me home.
On the way,we din't talk.
The aura is weird,the feeling isn't right.
The smiles & laughters wasn't there.
Not quite right,really.
I'm sorry.

Reached home,bathed & switch my computer on.
Nothing much to do,did some blog-hopping.

Shag,i'll still be having 3 more papers. I needa jiayou for the last three paper.
Shag. I hope i can score well...

Alright,goodnight earthlings.
Baby,i love you.

hsai,uyo tisll ondt udnretsnad em,nvreenimd,atke a teps ta a mite.
hinkt orf em. ev'i efeligns oto.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Like how we used to be..

Alright,i'm bored now,i still have 3 more papers to go before everything comes to an end. I seriously wanna let everything end asap y'know! :( I'm dead bored,really bored. Am coming home super early this two days,doing mainly,N-O-T-H-I-N-G. :(

Oh well,Mathematics paper 1 today.
I guess i'm gonna flunk maths? Ain't too sure.

I'm so not in the whole mood.
I'm so shag.

Some reasons behind it.
I don't wish to post,it's really stupid to post it out anyway..

Frosted tears,never will it happen to me.
Frosted heart,it'd never be like this.
Frosted smile,just for you for that split second.
Frosted love,just for the both of us only till the love one-side melts.

Understand me more,can you?
Sometimes i really wonder,do you really love me.
Or was this love a lust?
I hope it's true love,a love that i treasure very much.
I hope it'd never be a lust.
I really wonder,am i something to you.
Yes,she maybe your bestfriend,but that doesn't mean.
You've to say those things right infront of me.
Do you know how i will feel that very split second ?
What if you're in my shoes,how will you feel.
Do you know that very split second,my tears almost roll down my cheek?
I really really needa you to understand me more,can you?
I just needa you to care for me more will you?

Is this all an illusionary love & once the clocks hits 12,everything turns back to the past like how we used to be? I really hope it isn't. I've given in my everything. I don't wish to lose a single thing i once used to have.

Every good things has an end to it?
Every good things comes to an end?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

H i a t u s. :)
I'll be back soon,
very very soon,
Wait for me to be back yeah.
Exam's gonna end next week.
I shall update as and when i feel like it.
Whether you like it anot,this is my blog,
don't come & go as you wish,leave a tag before you leave.
I don't like to see many people viewing me,
yet no tags being given to me.
Takecare,hiatus mood on.

Replies of Tags.

Sihua:LOL,hahas,can see that you're random.
Jiesi : THANKS! :) You Jiayous too! :D
BABY : HELLOS! Orh,okay.
Jungui : Hahaha,thanksss. You too.
Junli : zZz -.-
Sihua : Okay,will do. :)
Gemma : HELLOS,thanks thanks! Shall takecare of myself.
Wx : Okay.
Sihua : Updated & replied.
Jun : Go your blog see reply.
Sihua : Lols,i see. Random-ness. I also don't wanna quarrel.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Alright,sorry for not replying tags & also i've not been updating you guys about my life nowadays. So sorry about it alright.

Oh ya,before i forgot,thanks to peepo who shows concern to me by tagging me & telling me to get well soon,thank you. But seriously,i'm still very sick,am still having fever now & then,ya. Well,don't be surprise if you caught me outside with my boyfriend,HA. Because,he's my daily essential,i needa him like almost everyday. Yada,even thou am sick,i still go out wit him like everyday since the day i'm down with fever,flu,cough. Yes,so don't be too surprise uh. I know...i know i'm not taking good care of myself,but i'm still able to get up on my feet to run about & giggle & talk cock y'know. & i'm still able to go to exam hall to take my exams alright. :) Thanks all,LUV! :D

Alright,Yesterday was the much-looked-forward-16th-birthday of my baby. Yes,i spend almost my whole entire day with him,despite some trival matter at the early morning. Alright,shall skip that part alright. :) & then,we went to have our breakfast at pionner mall mac. After which,we're so lost,don't know where to head to,thus,we headed to his house to get the wooden,mix-and-match,swing. Whereby you know,when you're in primary school,you'll tend to like to buy those areoplane models then you'll needa fix it,those kind? Ya,those kind. We sat at a place near his house & we fix that thing tgt! :D Am so happy. Thanks baby for your lil' lil' thing. Thanks alot,really alot.

(Skip the part where i went home..)

After which,i met baby up & then we headed to Jurong point to have his dinner. Soon,we left & headed to the basketball court near Gekpoh. Jianxu,baby's brothers,& friends were there,waiting for his arrival. & upon arriving there,we din't saw a single soul,& baby rang them up & we heard them shouting from above,the carpark. We quickly went up & we saw them lighting up the candles. Oh-my-goodness,i think at that moment,baby sure very happy one lorr. HAHA!

After everything,we played carparck catching,more details,go to baby's blog. :)

Oh ya,i've 4 more papers to go after tomorrow's history paper. I'm glad,everything's gonna be over soon! :D I'm very very very very excited & i can't wait for the day to come! :DDDDDDDD

Planed with sihua already,we're going to sentosa to have our sun-tanning & we're going to pasir ris to eat waffle & changi for bread on the tenth of june. I'm so so so - waiting-for-that-day-to-arrive! :D Baby must say he'll go sentosa with me after exam also one lorr,HEHE! :D

Planed to get a job asap after exam too! :D We're so in need of $$,we're so $$-minded nowadays,hahas! Everything that we thought of that very split minute we speak about clothes is $$. Now i see,how much i need $$. HAHA!

Alright alright,i shall stop my crap & i get going to have my bath & then to eat my medi. It's been quite a few days since i last ate my medi. Oh,goodness! :D

Goodluck everyone.

Wait,before i go. I wanna say. I don't feel like studying already. Siand,got that sudden feeling & i lose all the movtivation to study,like you well,hope to find that movtivation i lost,back.

Toodles & nights,earthlings. :)

Baby,you should know,i love you tons & that's not enough,i'll love you even more as each day goes by. You're like my drug & i'm the addict. I'm already addicted to this drug & that's you. I love you,baby. Very much. Hope that you did enjoyed yourself last night. :) My Mr. Cheerful :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Alright,am down with fever 38.3 degree. Shagness please. I'm so hungry now,& thirsty,but i freaking hell lazy to get my butt shifted! :( Please laas,i'm so so so bored now. I can't get to sleep although i've eaten my Medi. What the hell right? :(

& yes,i'm pathetic to the extend,i have to eat plain porridge as mu breakfast & lunch. :( Sigh..

Baby's not home,he went out with Meiting & jinghui to eat sakae sushi. It's his birthday tomorrow & thus,they're treating him to eat. :)

Alright,shall post again,bye. :)


BRENDA(: : HELLOS! Thanks! :D

Jun: Ha,will do. Thanks for the tag & the pictures of me are very very very unglam. Goodness! :(

: HEY! :D

sharon: HAHA,will do! :D

DAWN: Thankiews! :D

sihua : Yes replying to you,but typo error. :X Paiseh luhhs. :(

Jun:HAHAHA,no,you don't have good bladder! HAHA! :P

Your's,z:I love you too! :D

Alright,i'm lazy to reply tags. :( Alright,will reply taggies soon alright! :D
First paper today & i'm down with fever,flu & bad bad headache just Y-e-s-t-e-r-d-a-y! Fucking shit i tell you. So many unhappy things came to knocking on my door making me freaking hell sad,please! :(

Oops,i din't post for yesterday uh? Hmmm,nothing much. Woke up damn early yesterday like about 9+ am. Or should i put it this way,i'm drop-dead tired,& also,my bad headache kills me like totally. Wanted to sleep longer period of time,however,i can't stand it anymore. Woke up & took money from Daddy & then i went to see doctor,A-L-O-N-E! :( How pathetic can i be? Am sick yet nobody bothers about me! :(

Oh-well,drop that yesterday matter,because i take it as i never had yesterday. :)

Weather is really bad nowadays,many people are falling ill. People,do takecare of your health alright! Mid-year is here & Jiayous everyone! :D

Oh,speaking about my stupid paper today,i can't freaking hell think a tweeny-weeny bit outta my brain. No juices flows out no matter how hard you squash my brain. Only think in my mind is,to finish the paper asap & sleep! & i finish the social studies paper in about 15 mins & i slept all the way till the paper ends! I keep coughing & 'ti-ti-du-du' -ing . So sad please! My head is aching up now,like,not again?! I'm sure to flunk every single subject for this MYE. I'm in deep shit please,if i don't fucking score well! Ninnehneh! :(

Social studies = No hope already! :( Teacher,pity me please! I'm sick y'know! :(

Alright,maddness! I'm abit haywired up there. Something must have burn the wire wrongly & cause me to be like this,so abnormal! I'm so unlike me please! :(

Oh yes,baby din't went to his swimming lesson yesterday just to keep me accompanied. He's afraid that something might happen to me when he's not around with me,how good can he be,i ask you! I'm so blissed & blessed to have sucha boyfriend. Woah,shiokness manxz! Haha,duh. Random-ness! -,-lll Cheyyyy!

Alright laas,he's seriously very good to me & yet i don't know how to treasure him as much laas. I'm baddie i know,but i'm seriously trying to change for him already,as much as i can do it. & i'm trying to be more understanding already.I seriously am trying! However,'that' thing is i really cannot tolerate laas,am sorry. :( I seriously can't tolerate it. I may be unreasonable or whatever shitoxz,but i am trying my best to change. I know i can't be ther best,but i'm trying to be one. (: ILY.

Well,he accompanied me to Jurong East national Library to study,however,am so tired & sick to absorb any stupid words into my sudden-frigging-hell-small-brain,-almost-like-a-pea-brain y'know! Oh-goodness manxz! Thus,we chit-chated instead of studying,& i fell asleep. HA! After which,he wanna watch movie & thus we went to JEC's shaw to catch The Forbidden Kingdom. Alright,the show is not quite boring actually,quite nice though :) Suppose to catch Over her dead body,however,the timing is rather late,so we decided to catch The Forbidden Kingdom again. & then reach home about 8 plus. HA! Had so much fun with baby,with him it's like the sickness can sure anytime! :D

My fever went down this morning,hope it don't came & pay a stupid visit on me anymore. Am so shag now! Awwww. :(

Shall go & have my rest & then to study! Physics is tomorrow! Everyone Jiayous! :D Love-nesss! :D


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Alright,after all those fun i had early in the noon time,i'm so drop-dead @ home now,facing my laptop,enojying the cooling air,coming outta my air-condition. Oh,so-enjoying. :D Celebrated Wenxuan's belated birthday today over at Jurong east's Kbox. Wow,the payment was $124,were all shocked upon receiving the bill. o.o

Thank junli & sihua for paying it for me for the time being first,thanks you very much. Yes,very. :) Shall return you the money asap alright? Thanks thanks! :D

Alright,we were all so high there,in the room 27. However,we're all thirsty like maddies. Oh,goodness. HAHA! & their servicing is so damn slow,seriously slow please..tsk! Yes,and the after awhile,Junli & sihua went to buying a surprise birthday cake for Wenxuan,yes & left wenxuan,teojiahui & me in the room,singing all the Jay's song. Coolness you know! He's the sex okay! :DD

Alright,after the both of them came back,we cam-whored & then kept singing & singing. Oh,we're all so so high,& then they called for the cake. Yes,the cake is nice indeed,but very very creamy. It's a chocolate cake,we ate the white chocolate & then cute the cut up. HA!

Kept visiting the toilets,HA! No,i don't have bladder problem,junli has it. She self claim that she's toilet bowl,cause she kept drinking water non-stop & she don't need to visit the toilet AT ALL! HA,she's forever like this. HAHA! I've a better bladder than you okay! :D

Sms baby during intervals. I miss him like hell-lot. Almost all the messages i send him was all regarding, 'i miss you' . Sorry luhh,if you after you read this you've have gooseberries,but i can't help ma,people miss stead is very normal one okay! :D & he insisted to wait for me to finish accompany my FIVESOMES. How great can my superb boyf. be? Ain't he great? Yes,definitely he's. I'm so proud of him! After parting with Fivesomes,baby & i went to sit at a place,somewhere near my block. I started emoing there. Oops,din't do it purposely de,but suddenly what took place yesterday appears in my mind.

Oh ya,recently,i'm so into Jolin tsai's old songs like; 假装,倒袋,反复记号,心型圈. I fin't it all so nice suddenly. Keep repeating the song 倒袋 just now,so nice you know! HA. Alright,craps i know.

After which,i parted with baby after a goodbye hug,& i went home,reaching home at about 9.05pm. Thanks baby,for waiting me & doing nothing in the library today. Sorry. :( & yet i still made you upset. I'm sorry.

Upon reaching home,my aunt was about to go out. & yes,she's not home now! & i've all the rights to do anything i want in the room,like so yay-ness! :DD Fyi,my aunty = My mummy's younger sister,though she's not kinda of young at all already.HA! & not what you all might think,Maid. HAHA! :D

Younger cousin not in,so shuang okay! :D Double-happiness okay okay okay! HEHES!

Alright alright,baby's calling up now,gotta run! Bye! :D

Friday, May 2, 2008

I shall stop the hate,hating is terrible.
I don't wanna others to find that i'm sucha petty.
Cause i knew,i mustn't be one.

I love my blog song alot. :)
Thanks sophia for the codes.
Hehe,infact,i cope from your blog.
Hurhur! :D

I hope i could attend tomorrow's Kbox,but. I seriously don't wanna borrow money from anyone. :( I'll try to go alright?

Shitzxzx,sweaty plam is back again,like what the hell please,duh. -.- I don't like it,it's very very irritating. It acts up as and when it's happy with it. What the hell pleaseeeeeeeeee. :(

Alright,i'm deciding where to attend or not to attend's tomorrow's wenxuan's birthday celebration at Kbox,i'm really really having a hard time deciding,i wish that i could join them,however. I'm so broke now. Awwww. :(

I wish that i could finish the exams asap & get a job immediately & start working so that i have alot of dollar sign. Awwwww,shag-ness. :( I wanna a job-job-job! :(

Oh ya,suddenly i feel like flipping through the past years' yearbook of my school,reminscing the past,like wow. How much we've grown from there eh? All of us looks like a uber toot-ster okay. So cute,so innocent,apart from me,duh! :D Oh,& i happened to flip to this particular page where by it shows Kevin & edwin,that used-to-be-very-good-friend-and-fall-out-outta-sudden. They're seriously very cute lemme tell you,very very very cute okay! HAHA,feel like pinching them. Awwwwww!

Alright,another weeks more to go before my exams ends. Sucks please. Why must our exam drag so so so long? How shag can it be uh? Alright,whatever. -.-

Weather sucks,head is aching up now & then. Sucksssssssss-nesssss! :( Alright,offta find nice blogskins already. Love. :)

Alright,baby just came to find me,along with the bubble tea. I swear,he's damn fucking cute & good to me. Yes,he definitely is. Well,i seriously think he's my superb boyfriend. :D

Alright,i'm now currently,facing boredem at home,i can't can't can't find anything to do & my head is aching up once again. Duhhh. I miss those fun i once had with my friends and all. & not the life i'm leading now,it's all-so-not-fun. Awwwwwww. :(

I've yet to bath,because some fucking ass simlpy just occupied that whole entire bathroom & he went into bath for almost 1/2 hour already! If it's me,i think it's still alright,but he a boy lehhs! A 7 year old boy only okay! So saddening! I smell sucks now,die. :( Alright,he's out. Like-so-finally. :)

Well,today's Chinese paper,i've no much confident on it,like wise,i'm always not having enough confidence. Well,hope this time round,my marks will be what i always wished for then. I seriously wanna mantain my position in class luhh. Like you know,it's kindda competitive in my class for chinese,this subject. Well well well,need mug harder next time round,hope what i say will be fulfilled,as i know,i always can't do it. -.-

Alrighto,need go off & bath & i'll be back soon! :D

With loves,

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh,save our mother nature. :(
It's dying like,so quickly with the 'help' of the human.
We're not helping any tiny weeny bits y'know!
I seriously don't feel like dying at sucha young age,
as i wanna spend my days in the future with him happily y'know!
I don't wanna have regrets in life.
I wanna live days to the fullest! I wanna finished everything i wished for as soon as possible before the mother nature really dies off. :(
I wanna enjoy my life & i wanna spend my life with my Fivesomes. I wanna us to have our chalet held & i seriously wanna us to get together,having heart-to-heart-talk @ very late night. & i wanna live with them in the future! There're still tons of things left undone,i don't wish to die off so soon. I wanna my everyday to be the way i always imagine,hoping that it'd all turn to true in real life.
Alright,people might think that i'm stupid to think this way,but whatever it is,i just don't wanna die of that soon at sucha young age,without even having much chances to start enjoying life yet & i've gotta die already,like y'know. How saddening it'd be? :( Alright,ignore me if you think this is all crap. :X

Alright main thing : Boring. Well-oh-well. I'm seriously bored like y'know? I so afraid that the world might come to an end soon,for god knows why am so afraid :O

I'm so panick for my tomorrow's paper,which is my second paper among all & is the second paper for this week & like in few days time,we're gonna have a whole entire week of examinations. Wow,so fast uh? :( I've yet to prepare myself for the worse & i must. Cause i knew,somehow,i might flunk this time round,very badly. Very very badly. For god knows the reason why. :(

I'm not using my time wisely at all,not at all. But i spend my time happily with baby. Yes,very happily. & also my friends. Soon,in about a few hours time,it's gonna be Ngwenxuan's fifteenth birthday already,how cool. She's that sweetie pie in our clique,& the blurr-headed her. HA! Well,here i wish her an advanced few hours Happy Fifteenth Birthday. :D May your dreams come to true & may you Last long with _ _ . :D Much loves,Felicia.

Oh-wellness. I almost forgotten to memorise the format for my chinese letter writing,which is like,so-damn-important. Goodness! :( I'm so unprepared,can you see it! :( This is the first time i feel the sudden feeling that i'm so pressuries. Oh well,i needa buck up no matter what already,how sad can it be you tell me,to actually be so-no-prepared! :(

Alright alright,i shall shut my mouth up & back to studying. I seriously needa study,but there's always one thing that keep drifting my concentration off..

So hard to mantain my concentration now-days. It's seriously hard.Alright alright,i shall get my butt shifted,cause it's sticking there for a long period of time already & i think i'm bound to get a ton with the meal i'm always having now. So not constant & always it's the junk food's fault,to lure me to eat them all up. :( Sucks man,i seriously needa go swimming or to get myself to do up some excercise already,i'm growing fat at the rate of me,eating-non-stop. :( I must either mantain the weight i'm having now,or i must become thinner & slimmer,for i swear. If not,i'd go & bang the wall hard & die off. I must get my perfect-shape back! I swear i'm gonna do that. :D

Ps: teo,when are you free? Meet up? Do up the blog & start everything asap? Heheh,with much loves. :)


With loves,

Wow,i can type 52 words in 1 min. Wow,cool uh? What about you. Try it out. :D (Credits to Teojiahui.)

Alright,offta packup & i'm going out to study again.

With loves,

Speed test