Monday, May 26, 2008

Was i being too navie? I guess so.

While waiting for baby to call me,i shall crap abit here. 8)
I'm so dead bored/tired/sleepy. :/

I'm so sad. :( I don't know what to say suddenly,my mind went blank outta sudden :/
Whatever. Shall end here.

Bye. :/

Nothing is forever lasting.
Even friendship can sometimes be disgusted as a 'illusionary' lasting one.
Now i realise,i was the one being the navie thinking was all one way.
It was never a two way one. Ha,how could it all turn out to be?

I guess it's time for new friends to come in & join my life. & its really true to a saying that goes like this : ' Nothing could last forever like you thought,it'd all be a come-and-go thing. It'd soon be over. True friends & close friends develope from your upper sec life,even those crazy things you all could ever do,it'd all be left with memories.' I've gotta move on with life. There isn't only one friend. :)

I'm insocialable,how? HA.
True friends needn't you to go search for.
It'd come naturally.

I'm conscience clear & glad that i've done so much for 'em.
It's time to let go of that old & navie thinking. I've gotta move on with life.
Nothing could lemme stuck & not move on with life.

You'll will still be my friends. But i'm really sad to say. It's not like how we use to be anymore.

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