Tuesday, May 27, 2008

If letting go could be the best resort.

Alright,i sleep till 12pm this afternoon. Coolness alright. Without a single shitxzo bugging me to get outta my bed & get myself clean up,y'know. It's ( shiockness + freedomxz ) cause mainly,no one is home now! :)

I'm dead tired & bored. My freaking hell stomach is still having weird feelings & also,my head is abit giddy & having a lil' headache. Shitxzo. :(

Baby's having his lessons in school today,like other normal days just that he don't hafta wake up so early to attend school,that's better i think. :) I miss him a hell lots alright. :(

Oh yes! I watch the news yesterday at channel U. You know what? I saw those rescue-ers,carrying out a small lil' girl, out from the topple buildings,and that lil' girl's facial expression was still there,& she's all stiff & harden already. What the hell right? This is all so saddening. :(

Aghh,i needa go back to sleep again. I don't feel quite right up there & my stomach's too. :(

So,bye peepoayes. :)

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