Friday, May 2, 2008

Shitzxzx,sweaty plam is back again,like what the hell please,duh. -.- I don't like it,it's very very irritating. It acts up as and when it's happy with it. What the hell pleaseeeeeeeeee. :(

Alright,i'm deciding where to attend or not to attend's tomorrow's wenxuan's birthday celebration at Kbox,i'm really really having a hard time deciding,i wish that i could join them,however. I'm so broke now. Awwww. :(

I wish that i could finish the exams asap & get a job immediately & start working so that i have alot of dollar sign. Awwwww,shag-ness. :( I wanna a job-job-job! :(

Oh ya,suddenly i feel like flipping through the past years' yearbook of my school,reminscing the past,like wow. How much we've grown from there eh? All of us looks like a uber toot-ster okay. So cute,so innocent,apart from me,duh! :D Oh,& i happened to flip to this particular page where by it shows Kevin & edwin,that used-to-be-very-good-friend-and-fall-out-outta-sudden. They're seriously very cute lemme tell you,very very very cute okay! HAHA,feel like pinching them. Awwwwww!

Alright,another weeks more to go before my exams ends. Sucks please. Why must our exam drag so so so long? How shag can it be uh? Alright,whatever. -.-

Weather sucks,head is aching up now & then. Sucksssssssss-nesssss! :( Alright,offta find nice blogskins already. Love. :)

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