Friday, May 2, 2008

Alright,baby just came to find me,along with the bubble tea. I swear,he's damn fucking cute & good to me. Yes,he definitely is. Well,i seriously think he's my superb boyfriend. :D

Alright,i'm now currently,facing boredem at home,i can't can't can't find anything to do & my head is aching up once again. Duhhh. I miss those fun i once had with my friends and all. & not the life i'm leading now,it's all-so-not-fun. Awwwwwww. :(

I've yet to bath,because some fucking ass simlpy just occupied that whole entire bathroom & he went into bath for almost 1/2 hour already! If it's me,i think it's still alright,but he a boy lehhs! A 7 year old boy only okay! So saddening! I smell sucks now,die. :( Alright,he's out. Like-so-finally. :)

Well,today's Chinese paper,i've no much confident on it,like wise,i'm always not having enough confidence. Well,hope this time round,my marks will be what i always wished for then. I seriously wanna mantain my position in class luhh. Like you know,it's kindda competitive in my class for chinese,this subject. Well well well,need mug harder next time round,hope what i say will be fulfilled,as i know,i always can't do it. -.-

Alrighto,need go off & bath & i'll be back soon! :D

With loves,

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