Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh,save our mother nature. :(
It's dying like,so quickly with the 'help' of the human.
We're not helping any tiny weeny bits y'know!
I seriously don't feel like dying at sucha young age,
as i wanna spend my days in the future with him happily y'know!
I don't wanna have regrets in life.
I wanna live days to the fullest! I wanna finished everything i wished for as soon as possible before the mother nature really dies off. :(
I wanna enjoy my life & i wanna spend my life with my Fivesomes. I wanna us to have our chalet held & i seriously wanna us to get together,having heart-to-heart-talk @ very late night. & i wanna live with them in the future! There're still tons of things left undone,i don't wish to die off so soon. I wanna my everyday to be the way i always imagine,hoping that it'd all turn to true in real life.
Alright,people might think that i'm stupid to think this way,but whatever it is,i just don't wanna die of that soon at sucha young age,without even having much chances to start enjoying life yet & i've gotta die already,like y'know. How saddening it'd be? :( Alright,ignore me if you think this is all crap. :X

Alright main thing : Boring. Well-oh-well. I'm seriously bored like y'know? I so afraid that the world might come to an end soon,for god knows why am so afraid :O

I'm so panick for my tomorrow's paper,which is my second paper among all & is the second paper for this week & like in few days time,we're gonna have a whole entire week of examinations. Wow,so fast uh? :( I've yet to prepare myself for the worse & i must. Cause i knew,somehow,i might flunk this time round,very badly. Very very badly. For god knows the reason why. :(

I'm not using my time wisely at all,not at all. But i spend my time happily with baby. Yes,very happily. & also my friends. Soon,in about a few hours time,it's gonna be Ngwenxuan's fifteenth birthday already,how cool. She's that sweetie pie in our clique,& the blurr-headed her. HA! Well,here i wish her an advanced few hours Happy Fifteenth Birthday. :D May your dreams come to true & may you Last long with _ _ . :D Much loves,Felicia.

Oh-wellness. I almost forgotten to memorise the format for my chinese letter writing,which is like,so-damn-important. Goodness! :( I'm so unprepared,can you see it! :( This is the first time i feel the sudden feeling that i'm so pressuries. Oh well,i needa buck up no matter what already,how sad can it be you tell me,to actually be so-no-prepared! :(

Alright alright,i shall shut my mouth up & back to studying. I seriously needa study,but there's always one thing that keep drifting my concentration off..

So hard to mantain my concentration now-days. It's seriously hard.Alright alright,i shall get my butt shifted,cause it's sticking there for a long period of time already & i think i'm bound to get a ton with the meal i'm always having now. So not constant & always it's the junk food's fault,to lure me to eat them all up. :( Sucks man,i seriously needa go swimming or to get myself to do up some excercise already,i'm growing fat at the rate of me,eating-non-stop. :( I must either mantain the weight i'm having now,or i must become thinner & slimmer,for i swear. If not,i'd go & bang the wall hard & die off. I must get my perfect-shape back! I swear i'm gonna do that. :D

Ps: teo,when are you free? Meet up? Do up the blog & start everything asap? Heheh,with much loves. :)


With loves,

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