Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Job interview later.

Alright,will be going for a job interview later with Twinny. Yada.
Alright,i hope they'll hire me luhhs,i wanna moolah alot. :(

Waiting for twinny,she's always late uh. HURHUR.
I hope to get cracking earlier. Cause,i can go shopping earlier then! :D

I've yet to eat anything frmo morning till now. Gonna go eat later.
Went to Dental Appointment earlier this morning,was late. Hur.
& good news! I'm able to take out my braces end of this year!
Cool okay! I'm happy happy happy! :D

& i changed the braces colour to Yellow colour already,Hurhur!
Happy happy happy okay! :DDDD

Alright,come back to post later,BYE! :D

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