Monday, May 19, 2008

Enjoyed. :)

Helloooos peepos. :)

Went to East coast as i posted earlier on this afternoon. I went there with Jun,her stead & Beloved Bi. :) I love the outing tons alright. I guess my parents like Bi too? Cause they look so friendly to him. Hur hur. :D

Alright,reach there at about 3 plus? Not too sure. Once we reached there,we started playing volleyball. Bi played with lil' sissy & Kuanhoe stood there & did nothing. Simply stonning away,HA! :D

After about 1/2 an hr later,we went to rent bicycle. However,due to my stupid-ness & Blur-ness,i thought it's further down the road & thus,much time is being delayed. Thus we reached that place at only 5.30pm & cycled till 6.15pm. Alright,then we walked to the Market which is near the lagoon. Hurhur. >:)

After which we took cabby back to Jurong point. Reached there & then Bi & i went off home. He brought his phone cover & screen protector. Haha! :D Nice nice. Goodness,my screen has got another extra scretches. Oh-My-God! :(

Reached home & then bathed. Talking with my Fivesomez now. :D Alright,bye! :DDD

I love Bi much. :)

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