Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hired! :)

Alright,hired! :D Happy okays,start working tomorrow,yeah.
Must must must reach there before 4.45 pm. Thus,meet up with twinny at 3pm. Hopefully we won't be late,cause Ivy(floor manager) will be very unhappy. Yada. :)

Jiayous for me & twinny then. :)

Well,meet up with baby after which. Went to buy his Layout pad at popular. Hur.
Loves max. :)

Alright,i don't know what to post anymore.
I just know,i needa Black jeans & Black shoes desparately. Awww. :(


Oh ya,by the way,i suddenly feel like saying. I hate backstabbers a hell lots & i friggin' hate nosy parkers. It'd irritates me alot,y'know! Tsk, & you know what?! I hate people who gossip behind me,alot. This sucks like totally..

I've no idea why i wanna blog this out,but i just feel like to.

I friggin' hell hate it,alot. Yes alot,fuck y'know. :(

Alright,nothing more. Bye.

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