Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Alright,i don't know why i put that header as my Title. Haha.
I totally forgotten that i had to attend a course over at Bukit Batok ITE today.
It totally slips off my mind do you acutally know that? Sucks alright.

Reaching there,it's plain boring,watching those people doing nothing,slacking around.
It's uber boring listening to the talk for the What ever robotics they name it.
Sucks till one kind please. Duhhh. (Insert kukued look)

Eugune & Haorong had some trival matter tiff & it links me up too.
Like hello,has it got something to do with me? No,i don't think so.
It's simply shitxz i tell you. Whatever. -.-
Don't wanna elaborate too much,it's plain irritating & a waste of my time too. Duh.

Went back to school by transport & reaching there at 1.15 - 1.20pm.
Hurried & quicken up my pace & headed to the back gate,just nice. Bus 30 arrived. :)
Broarded & went back home. :)

Happy that i reached home so early.
Don't like to interact nowadays,boring. -.-

Alright,i needa go off now,tired.
(Insert tired face.)

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