Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm Bitchxzo. (:

Haha,i'm Bitchxzo,agree? :D

Alright,i'm haywired up there,ignore me alright. Hahahaha! :D
I don't know why i'm kindda high & happy today. Hahahaha. :D
Baby went to Gek Poh to fetch me after my Guitar lesson today.
Love him plenty ogay. :D

Alright,i don't know what to post already.
Have to work tomorrow. :(

Wait,before i go off.
I wanna say. I start to treasure my lil' sissy more.
She'll soon be my one & only kin in the world when i grows up.
She'll only rely on me,cause by the time,i guess my parents won't be around already.
I needa help her pay her school fees & everything.
She'll only be my only left kin. The closest kin.
I really start loving her alot.

As the day i read the newspaper about the sichuan 7.8 magnitude earthquake.
Many childrens were dead unknowingly,innocently in that earthquake.
Many babies were dead too.
I'm really glad that my lil' sissy born out into my family.
In to Singapore; Safe & free from earthquake.
I'm really glad. I wanna the best for my lil' sissy.
I Promise,when i grow up.
I'll give her the best of everything.
I'll treat her well,definitely i will. :)

I love my lil' sissy,Fyn Toh Pei Xuan.

From the incident that happen in Sichuan,i start to treasure my kinship alot. I love FynToh. :)

Go read this.
After reading,i bet you'd start swearing & cursing lo. What the fuck.
That pervert. Sex Manic. Shitxzo him please!

Oh ya,i wanna go popular buy that story book.
I forgotten that tittle. It's interesting please..
I'm desparate for that book okay! :D

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