Thursday, May 22, 2008

He's my greatest sin.

Alright,i'm back home. It's like so-finally. (Insert Relief face.)

I woke up damn early this morning,it's sucha unearthly hour. Not good.
My pimples are popping out like once again. Shitxzo okay. >:[
I hate pimples,it sucks a hell damn lot okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :(

Well,i woke up at 7.30am in the morning. Skipped school.
(Ps: I'm sorry sihua,i din't sms you earlier. I overslept. -.-!)
Momma overslept & she cycle Weilun to school. That arsehole. >:)
He's sucha ass okay! >:) (Insert evil laughters.)

Well,i've to go work later on @ 6. I gotta get out of house at 4,cause i'm meeting Bii at 4.
Meeting Sophia @ 4.30pm. Holy,i hope she won't be late. She's always late for any case okay! Ha! I hope we'd get that $5.30. Hope that today's training will turns out well. I hope soo. :)

Alright,i'm bored now. Life is getting abit boring for me.
I'm looking for something thrilling. If you've any to recommend,please do inform me okay!
I love thrilling & exciting activities. I'm willing to participate if there's any but most importantly,it must be fun. :)

Alright,i shall end my crap here.
BYE! :)

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