Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm bastard's bitch. (8

Thursday,22nd May.

Well,worked. Tired,worn out. Reached home at 12am. Freak right? My stomach hurts that day,cause i stuff too much food. My bad right? Shitxzo me please. Duhhhh. Went home,slept. Skipped school quite alot of times this week.

Friday,23rd May.

Today i din't go to school,again. :)

Alright,back from Wild wild wet (WWW).
Alright,it's plain shiockness pleaseeeeeeeeeee,don't say i'm 'mountain tortise' ,cause i know i'm one. It's not my fault for being my first time there at WWW okay! Like please,i don't have the time alright!

Went to wild wild wet today with Dawnknee,Junli,Sihua. (: Love them alright. Went to wild wild wet to so called celebrate Junli's birthday in advance. Well,it's really fun to play that Family float & the U-shaped thingy. Forgotten what they name it as already,so-ya. Whatever alright. As long as my readers know what i mean. If you don't know,then go around asking. :)

Went to Shiock pool to slack. & then went to playground & play. Image spoiled. Hair is damn messy alright. HAHA! Whatever,it'd be so...

Oh ya,while we're on our way to Pasir ris from Boonlay. We saw this aunty that freak everyone out like,T-O-T-A-L-L-Y. But sadly,we din't video it down,if not you'd know how scary that aunty is alreay. >:(

You know what? She's about insane as what we guess from her actions. It's because,she hurried down the train & she push this girl's bag & she look kind of depressed. I guess she has some illness or she could have seen 'some things'? Okay,speaking of it,makes my gooseberry stand,cause it's freaking hell errie alright. Ewwwwww! :(

Oh well,brought Junli Happyhouse Pencil box,it's pretty cute & cool. Have yet to seen anyone using it. So yeah,shiockness. :) That Pig there is cute & those heart shapes are nice & cute tooo! :D

After playing over at wild wild wet,we decided to leave the place & went to bath & changed. Off to buy that very very yummylicious waffle. It's really nice,miss those chalet times,ass! 8) Afterwhich,we headed to interchange & then trained home,all of us was wear out & we slept in the train. Doze off after we board the train. After 1 hour plus & we headed to Kfc at central & meet up with baby. Then here comes Junli & sihua after awhile. Soon,i & baby left,due to...i-needa-go-home-asap-because-mother-says-she-wants-to-go-out. Duh,sad cannot accompany baby. :(

Alright,i shall go off already.

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