Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back from Library with baby.
Had great time with him,always i really do. :)

Oh,main point.
He gotten into a fight & i think it's that sec 3's fault. Yes,definitely it's his fault,who to blame? Him to blame. It's just a idiotic shitxz. Can't he just move his butt off the stairs? Does he really think that,the staircase really do belong to him? No,i don't think so. Oh,whatever. -.- He's just as unreasonable as a bastard. B is just B. Can't change the fact that he's a B.

He still have the cheek to pour his green tea at Jian xu when it's His fault. What the fuck please. So unreasonable. Oh,now i know,he's sucha unreasonable & petty bastard. Oh,how saddening. :) & he fucking hit my baby. He's better to die off. Have the cheek to scold,have the cheek to admit then. Have the cheek to pour & scold like a bastard,scold baby & jianxu infront of the teacher then. So what if a student like you don't have any records? That doesn't mean teachers have the right to judge a book by it's cover. What a cunning fox he's. Oh,bastard.

He's lucky that he bleed a little under baby's fist. I bet if he were to scold more,the more he'd bleed. What-the-fuck. Big size,broad shoulder,tall. So what,useless bastard. Only know how to scold verberlly,no actions. Just lil' small undeadly actions won't kill baby anyway. -.- Just one hit on you,you're so dead like an ants under my baby's lil' fuck shit finger.

You deserve it,bastard. Watch out for your ass,where you're landing on luh,bodoh dog. -.-

Alright,felt much happier after this post ,i feel like speaking up for baby,however,i don't know how to speak it verberlly,then too bad. Just type it out then,since i'm more to literally. Oh,whatever. HA! :D

Firstly,went to Jurong point's library. Then,headed to Jurong east library to look for Abandoned by Peters Anaya. Finally,i found it & thanks baby,for helping me to borrow that book. I'm gonna finish it as soon as possible. I will. :D

The first chapter only,it's already very intersting. Very. :)

Alright,having school tomorrow. Shitzxo. Getting back my results,am so panick stricken now. I'm afriad that the position i'm at,during CT1 & 2 won't maintain. I really hope i can get good results,but i know it my own,i din't put in enough hard work. No hard work means good results won't show. Sigh,also at the same time. Die.

Whatever,shall get my butt off the chair to help baby do his english homework & offta read Abandoned. :)

Goodnight earthlings.
Bye. :)

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