Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I scored 42.5/60 for my Mathematics paper 1,oh goodness! I freaking hell flunk it can! I'm suppose to score much more better than this. It's sure to be better than this,but i din't even bother to study hard & now i'm here regretting like freak. Oh,whatever. Duh. -Roll eyes- & it's my Mathematics paper 2 today,it's damn difficult i tell you! For goodness sake,you know what,almost all the question i've got no confidence in,having them to be correct. Shitxzo. I need buck up more already!

Oh,btw. I told my mother my marks for my Mathematics paper 1,she's kindda glad,but after i told her,the paper is difficult,she gave me that shag face & say,"then die liaos lor." Then i laugh. Hahaha,crazy me,duh. -.-

Having my last paper tomorrow! Freak,i needa go school alone. So saddening please! :( Hais,going to cineleisure tomorrow,maybe? With sihua & dawn. Gonna catch some movies over at cineleisure & after which,will be going to Bugis to look for Job,hurhur! I wanna get a job like asap laas! & wanna buy all those pretty pretty clothes,shirts,blouse. It's all so beautiful,nice & sweet too! Never to forget,i wanna get the addidas watch too! I want all the three colours! Ha,okay,i must be crazy,but i seriously like the three colours,it's duper ultra nice please! I want lehxzxz! :(

I wanna buy schoolbag too,my schoolbag makes me look like a traditional geek. Oh,well,forget it. -.- I'm a geek from pri school till now,& i'm still gonna be for my next few years life,No. :D Heh heh,i'm gonna change my appreance that appear towards other one hor! I don't want to always be a geek,look so nerdy,HA!

So many things i wanna buy. But definitely,i'm not going to ask any money from my parents to buy them or get them for me laas,i'm gonna get it all on my own,using my own money. hopefully,i'm able to get everything i want. :D

Oh,talking about studies again. I wanna score well for my overall marks. Which means,i wanna have the overall percentage for my Mid-year to be at least,65% & more? Yes,that's what i'm craving for,but i doubt i'll get so,why? Because,i'm sick for the whole entire week last week,without even taking care of myself . Shitxz me please. Hope i can score well. Having last paper tomorrow! I needa mug hard for the last paper already! Last paper manxz! Shiockness already okay! I hope i can score well for Design & technology. I seriously wanna beat the rest,but i doubt my ability to do so. Shag.

Alright,stop the study...

Back to other topics.

Shit i tell you,everything in my mind now is to have $$ ,HAHA! i ponder,since when i became so money minded. After i've gotten a job,i wanna work everyday & i wanna earn alot of money to repay kindness to Baby. :D He always treat me with nice foods & all sorts of things without even wanting me to pay a single shit. I seriously feel bad each time i went out with him. I don't wanna make him go broke because of me. I wanna him to save money. & also,once i gotten my pay,i wanna get him something as the present from me,for not only his birthday,our monthsary for the few months back which i owe him de. I will definitely get him something big,& not small. :D

I love baby! :D

& then,the left over money,i'll go shopping sprees! :D Coolness manxz! Oh god,i'm going crazy over clothings,clothings,clothings. Goodness,i'm crazy.

You know what,i find myself crazy & pevertic in the sense that,i always look at pretty girls on the streets when they passesby me. Some are fucking hot please! Sometimes i even told baby to look at them. Oh goodness,they're freaking hell hot. I love hot girls & hot guys. Or sometimes even gay or Lesbians. Oh,how cool manxz! & i really dooooooooooooooooo envy those pretty,rich & femine girls. They're all so cool please! How i wish i could be one too. Or have friends like this. HA!

Alright,it's all like some fantasy talk now. Whatever,this is my blog,i'm free to rant anything all i want to. :D

Fine,i shall shut up here then. Bye! :B

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