Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Alright,sorry for not replying tags & also i've not been updating you guys about my life nowadays. So sorry about it alright.

Oh ya,before i forgot,thanks to peepo who shows concern to me by tagging me & telling me to get well soon,thank you. But seriously,i'm still very sick,am still having fever now & then,ya. Well,don't be surprise if you caught me outside with my boyfriend,HA. Because,he's my daily essential,i needa him like almost everyday. Yada,even thou am sick,i still go out wit him like everyday since the day i'm down with fever,flu,cough. Yes,so don't be too surprise uh. I know...i know i'm not taking good care of myself,but i'm still able to get up on my feet to run about & giggle & talk cock y'know. & i'm still able to go to exam hall to take my exams alright. :) Thanks all,LUV! :D

Alright,Yesterday was the much-looked-forward-16th-birthday of my baby. Yes,i spend almost my whole entire day with him,despite some trival matter at the early morning. Alright,shall skip that part alright. :) & then,we went to have our breakfast at pionner mall mac. After which,we're so lost,don't know where to head to,thus,we headed to his house to get the wooden,mix-and-match,swing. Whereby you know,when you're in primary school,you'll tend to like to buy those areoplane models then you'll needa fix it,those kind? Ya,those kind. We sat at a place near his house & we fix that thing tgt! :D Am so happy. Thanks baby for your lil' lil' thing. Thanks alot,really alot.

(Skip the part where i went home..)

After which,i met baby up & then we headed to Jurong point to have his dinner. Soon,we left & headed to the basketball court near Gekpoh. Jianxu,baby's brothers,& friends were there,waiting for his arrival. & upon arriving there,we din't saw a single soul,& baby rang them up & we heard them shouting from above,the carpark. We quickly went up & we saw them lighting up the candles. Oh-my-goodness,i think at that moment,baby sure very happy one lorr. HAHA!

After everything,we played carparck catching,more details,go to baby's blog. :)

Oh ya,i've 4 more papers to go after tomorrow's history paper. I'm glad,everything's gonna be over soon! :D I'm very very very very excited & i can't wait for the day to come! :DDDDDDDD

Planed with sihua already,we're going to sentosa to have our sun-tanning & we're going to pasir ris to eat waffle & changi for bread on the tenth of june. I'm so so so - waiting-for-that-day-to-arrive! :D Baby must say he'll go sentosa with me after exam also one lorr,HEHE! :D

Planed to get a job asap after exam too! :D We're so in need of $$,we're so $$-minded nowadays,hahas! Everything that we thought of that very split minute we speak about clothes is $$. Now i see,how much i need $$. HAHA!

Alright alright,i shall stop my crap & i get going to have my bath & then to eat my medi. It's been quite a few days since i last ate my medi. Oh,goodness! :D

Goodluck everyone.

Wait,before i go. I wanna say. I don't feel like studying already. Siand,got that sudden feeling & i lose all the movtivation to study,like you well,hope to find that movtivation i lost,back.

Toodles & nights,earthlings. :)

Baby,you should know,i love you tons & that's not enough,i'll love you even more as each day goes by. You're like my drug & i'm the addict. I'm already addicted to this drug & that's you. I love you,baby. Very much. Hope that you did enjoyed yourself last night. :) My Mr. Cheerful :)

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