Monday, May 5, 2008

Alright,am down with fever 38.3 degree. Shagness please. I'm so hungry now,& thirsty,but i freaking hell lazy to get my butt shifted! :( Please laas,i'm so so so bored now. I can't get to sleep although i've eaten my Medi. What the hell right? :(

& yes,i'm pathetic to the extend,i have to eat plain porridge as mu breakfast & lunch. :( Sigh..

Baby's not home,he went out with Meiting & jinghui to eat sakae sushi. It's his birthday tomorrow & thus,they're treating him to eat. :)

Alright,shall post again,bye. :)


BRENDA(: : HELLOS! Thanks! :D

Jun: Ha,will do. Thanks for the tag & the pictures of me are very very very unglam. Goodness! :(

: HEY! :D

sharon: HAHA,will do! :D

DAWN: Thankiews! :D

sihua : Yes replying to you,but typo error. :X Paiseh luhhs. :(

Jun:HAHAHA,no,you don't have good bladder! HAHA! :P

Your's,z:I love you too! :D

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