Monday, May 5, 2008

Alright,i'm lazy to reply tags. :( Alright,will reply taggies soon alright! :D
First paper today & i'm down with fever,flu & bad bad headache just Y-e-s-t-e-r-d-a-y! Fucking shit i tell you. So many unhappy things came to knocking on my door making me freaking hell sad,please! :(

Oops,i din't post for yesterday uh? Hmmm,nothing much. Woke up damn early yesterday like about 9+ am. Or should i put it this way,i'm drop-dead tired,& also,my bad headache kills me like totally. Wanted to sleep longer period of time,however,i can't stand it anymore. Woke up & took money from Daddy & then i went to see doctor,A-L-O-N-E! :( How pathetic can i be? Am sick yet nobody bothers about me! :(

Oh-well,drop that yesterday matter,because i take it as i never had yesterday. :)

Weather is really bad nowadays,many people are falling ill. People,do takecare of your health alright! Mid-year is here & Jiayous everyone! :D

Oh,speaking about my stupid paper today,i can't freaking hell think a tweeny-weeny bit outta my brain. No juices flows out no matter how hard you squash my brain. Only think in my mind is,to finish the paper asap & sleep! & i finish the social studies paper in about 15 mins & i slept all the way till the paper ends! I keep coughing & 'ti-ti-du-du' -ing . So sad please! My head is aching up now,like,not again?! I'm sure to flunk every single subject for this MYE. I'm in deep shit please,if i don't fucking score well! Ninnehneh! :(

Social studies = No hope already! :( Teacher,pity me please! I'm sick y'know! :(

Alright,maddness! I'm abit haywired up there. Something must have burn the wire wrongly & cause me to be like this,so abnormal! I'm so unlike me please! :(

Oh yes,baby din't went to his swimming lesson yesterday just to keep me accompanied. He's afraid that something might happen to me when he's not around with me,how good can he be,i ask you! I'm so blissed & blessed to have sucha boyfriend. Woah,shiokness manxz! Haha,duh. Random-ness! -,-lll Cheyyyy!

Alright laas,he's seriously very good to me & yet i don't know how to treasure him as much laas. I'm baddie i know,but i'm seriously trying to change for him already,as much as i can do it. & i'm trying to be more understanding already.I seriously am trying! However,'that' thing is i really cannot tolerate laas,am sorry. :( I seriously can't tolerate it. I may be unreasonable or whatever shitoxz,but i am trying my best to change. I know i can't be ther best,but i'm trying to be one. (: ILY.

Well,he accompanied me to Jurong East national Library to study,however,am so tired & sick to absorb any stupid words into my sudden-frigging-hell-small-brain,-almost-like-a-pea-brain y'know! Oh-goodness manxz! Thus,we chit-chated instead of studying,& i fell asleep. HA! After which,he wanna watch movie & thus we went to JEC's shaw to catch The Forbidden Kingdom. Alright,the show is not quite boring actually,quite nice though :) Suppose to catch Over her dead body,however,the timing is rather late,so we decided to catch The Forbidden Kingdom again. & then reach home about 8 plus. HA! Had so much fun with baby,with him it's like the sickness can sure anytime! :D

My fever went down this morning,hope it don't came & pay a stupid visit on me anymore. Am so shag now! Awwww. :(

Shall go & have my rest & then to study! Physics is tomorrow! Everyone Jiayous! :D Love-nesss! :D


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