Saturday, May 3, 2008

Alright,after all those fun i had early in the noon time,i'm so drop-dead @ home now,facing my laptop,enojying the cooling air,coming outta my air-condition. Oh,so-enjoying. :D Celebrated Wenxuan's belated birthday today over at Jurong east's Kbox. Wow,the payment was $124,were all shocked upon receiving the bill. o.o

Thank junli & sihua for paying it for me for the time being first,thanks you very much. Yes,very. :) Shall return you the money asap alright? Thanks thanks! :D

Alright,we were all so high there,in the room 27. However,we're all thirsty like maddies. Oh,goodness. HAHA! & their servicing is so damn slow,seriously slow please..tsk! Yes,and the after awhile,Junli & sihua went to buying a surprise birthday cake for Wenxuan,yes & left wenxuan,teojiahui & me in the room,singing all the Jay's song. Coolness you know! He's the sex okay! :DD

Alright,after the both of them came back,we cam-whored & then kept singing & singing. Oh,we're all so so high,& then they called for the cake. Yes,the cake is nice indeed,but very very creamy. It's a chocolate cake,we ate the white chocolate & then cute the cut up. HA!

Kept visiting the toilets,HA! No,i don't have bladder problem,junli has it. She self claim that she's toilet bowl,cause she kept drinking water non-stop & she don't need to visit the toilet AT ALL! HA,she's forever like this. HAHA! I've a better bladder than you okay! :D

Sms baby during intervals. I miss him like hell-lot. Almost all the messages i send him was all regarding, 'i miss you' . Sorry luhh,if you after you read this you've have gooseberries,but i can't help ma,people miss stead is very normal one okay! :D & he insisted to wait for me to finish accompany my FIVESOMES. How great can my superb boyf. be? Ain't he great? Yes,definitely he's. I'm so proud of him! After parting with Fivesomes,baby & i went to sit at a place,somewhere near my block. I started emoing there. Oops,din't do it purposely de,but suddenly what took place yesterday appears in my mind.

Oh ya,recently,i'm so into Jolin tsai's old songs like; 假装,倒袋,反复记号,心型圈. I fin't it all so nice suddenly. Keep repeating the song 倒袋 just now,so nice you know! HA. Alright,craps i know.

After which,i parted with baby after a goodbye hug,& i went home,reaching home at about 9.05pm. Thanks baby,for waiting me & doing nothing in the library today. Sorry. :( & yet i still made you upset. I'm sorry.

Upon reaching home,my aunt was about to go out. & yes,she's not home now! & i've all the rights to do anything i want in the room,like so yay-ness! :DD Fyi,my aunty = My mummy's younger sister,though she's not kinda of young at all already.HA! & not what you all might think,Maid. HAHA! :D

Younger cousin not in,so shuang okay! :D Double-happiness okay okay okay! HEHES!

Alright alright,baby's calling up now,gotta run! Bye! :D

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