Sunday, May 18, 2008

As if.

Morning Guys. Alright,i guess it's a rather late Greeting,oh well. :)

Alright,i'm going to Bedok to have my prayers & pay my visit to my uncle too. :) It's been 123456789xz years since i last visit him.

Oh well,Baby gotten the same phone as me,but is in white colour. Jealous alright. White & gold coating at the side of the phone,it's damn nice please. Goodness. :( Oh well,he's so damn happy as you can see from his blog. LOL! His first time in his life,changing into a new phone y'know. LOL! Can't blame anyway. :)

Oh anyway,he changed his number too.

& yes,i'm having my dental appointment this coming tuesday. Shag,i hope that my cousin will follow me there. Oh by the way,i'm finishing Abandoned by Anya Peters soon. I'm left with 3 chapters to go. HA! After finishing Abandoned By Anya Peters,i'll be continuing with I'd tell you i love you,but i'd have to kill you. Yes,so into reading story books nowadays.

Alright,i'm going off now.
Ps,I'm wearing your NF shorts now,LOL!

I din't know,i'm sucha fool to ask that.
Knewing that i'll make myself sad,yet i still tried to ask.
Everything could be fine if i din't even prompt that,isn't it?
I don't like it,the feeling deep down sucks.
You won't know,& don't ever say you'll know.
Unless you gone through what i gone through before.

Making myself like a fool,is what i always do.
I felt so ashame of myself. Bitchz.

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