Sunday, May 18, 2008

Could everything be as what i always want it to be?

Alright,the weather is really bad. Stuffy & hot too. Hardly it's windy. Whatever,duh. -.-

Well,i hope to work as soon as possible,gonna call up sophia later on in the night time. Ask her when will the interview be. Hopefully soon. I wish to work as soon as possible. I wanna earn moolah you know. Moolah Moolah. :}

Alight,know what? I've finished the mini toon's sweet Bi brought for me. Oh,i bet i'm gonna grow fatter,soon. HA! :( Oh,no no. I won't let it grow sideways,i'll let it grow upwards,instead. Hur. :D I wanna go out with Fivesomez & i wanna go out with Bi. I miss him a fug'hell lots,alright. Whatever,duh. I don't feel good today & also yesterday. It seems to be like,there's a very huge stone,laying flat on my heart. I'm so-unable-to-breath. :(

I'm sad,yes i'm.

Well,i'm going off to bath already alright. Hope to receive news about jobby soon. I wanna work,work work. :(


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