Friday, May 9, 2008

Like how we used to be..

Alright,i'm bored now,i still have 3 more papers to go before everything comes to an end. I seriously wanna let everything end asap y'know! :( I'm dead bored,really bored. Am coming home super early this two days,doing mainly,N-O-T-H-I-N-G. :(

Oh well,Mathematics paper 1 today.
I guess i'm gonna flunk maths? Ain't too sure.

I'm so not in the whole mood.
I'm so shag.

Some reasons behind it.
I don't wish to post,it's really stupid to post it out anyway..

Frosted tears,never will it happen to me.
Frosted heart,it'd never be like this.
Frosted smile,just for you for that split second.
Frosted love,just for the both of us only till the love one-side melts.

Understand me more,can you?
Sometimes i really wonder,do you really love me.
Or was this love a lust?
I hope it's true love,a love that i treasure very much.
I hope it'd never be a lust.
I really wonder,am i something to you.
Yes,she maybe your bestfriend,but that doesn't mean.
You've to say those things right infront of me.
Do you know how i will feel that very split second ?
What if you're in my shoes,how will you feel.
Do you know that very split second,my tears almost roll down my cheek?
I really really needa you to understand me more,can you?
I just needa you to care for me more will you?

Is this all an illusionary love & once the clocks hits 12,everything turns back to the past like how we used to be? I really hope it isn't. I've given in my everything. I don't wish to lose a single thing i once used to have.

Every good things has an end to it?
Every good things comes to an end?

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