Friday, May 30, 2008

Could what i believe true enough for me to actually believe?

Alright,back home. Went out with baby today,to...Orchard & Bugis.
One word to describe,my leg is damn damn tired. :( Anyone,buy me a iSqueeze. LOL.

Well,suppose to get what i want. However,when i reached Bugis,i seems to be just strolling & walking passby the shops,each and everyone of them. Looking at them,wondering what i wanna get. LOL! Ended up,i gotten nothing. :( Again okay. :(

Perhaps i go on my own next time,yeah..

Well,before going to Bugis,we went to Wisma. Ate ice-cream,yummylicious. (: & then Baby headed to Flesh Imp. He brought two tee shirts at $39. (: He gotten his,i've yet to got mine. :(

Afterwhich,suppose to head back to Orchard to help my momma to get the Camera,however. Due to my laziness,i din't. :( Trained back to Jurong instead then suppose to go back home,then decided to go to Baby's house to play with his brother. HAHA. They showed me their baby photos,those pictures are really cute. Esp Long Long(Baby's bro.) HAHAHA,it's seriously cute pleaseeeee. HAHA.

Aftermath,i headed home...


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