Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Yes,i went out with Sihua,Junli & Dawn too. Oh my goodness,today is a very happy one,indeed. I very happy happy happy! :D I love the day out with them. - smirkles-

Oh,i'm so happy today.

Alright,i'm bored nowadays. Nothing much to do. Oh yes,by the way,we watch Over Her Dead Body @ cineleisure. It's a very nice show,a must watch Romance Comedy. Very nice,it's worth watching it,without regrets i tell you. For sure it'd be. :D Rating : 5/5 .

Alright,we went to cineleisure to shop around & then headed to The Hereen & then Mrt down to Bugis. & we look for jobs there. HA! The four of us found,& we're still waiting for the calls/smses. HA! Hopefully i'm able to get the job luhhs. -Money money money,continue chanting like idiot.-

Oh ya,by the way. Thanks baby,for the FBT shorts & the Newfuture shorts too. Thanks a plenty. I love the gifts very much,thank you alot alot. & also,thanks for that 520th Heart shape. I'll definitely put it inside the Bottle you gave me. :) I love you a plenty.

Alright,i shall post up tomorrow,a more detail version of what happen today ,alright? :DDD
Loves. :)

Goodnight,my dear earthlings. :)


Alright,this post is edited. Cause as i promised,i'll post a more detail post today. Due to tiredness yesterday,i din't really elaborate what happen,HA. i'm here to blog out everything. :D Ready to go? Carry on reading alright. :D

Okay. Firstly,i had my design & technology paper early in the morning & half way thru the paper,it rain like cats & dogs. Was kindda cold,yet the breeze is cooling. :D However,the papers for both D&T and F&N really sucks a big time. It's totally a very difficult paper & i doubt i'll get high marks,oh whatever. -.-

13 of us skipped assembly early in the morning,mainly due to laziness & side kick reason is due to we-don't-know-that-today-have-assembly. Oh,so whatever,it's sucha lame excuse as everyone can see,HA. & then,here comes my Co-form teacher. Oh-no,dead-meat. Nah,not really. Not as we thought,that deadly. HA! It's rather cool instead. We sat outside the staff room,facing the walls,sitting in a straight row for 1hr. After our form teacher left,we sat there playing & listening to songs,despite the teachers,walking to & fore. HA! Not awhile later,it started raining cats & dogs again.

Soon,we're release for our detention. Headed home immediately. Thanks god that the backgate is open for us. Oh,thanks alot. HA! If not,i'd be so drenched. Holy! HAHA. & know what,headed back to Jp to buy what mummy asked me to buy & then bus-ed home alone. & when i reach home,i smell a strong scent of curry-ness. -smirkles.- It's really nice & after i had my bath,i immediately ate that curry. Oh,mom's cook is always that superb. I love it. :D

Alright,after which,i went off to meet up with junli at 2pm at the interchange. & she's late again,as expected,HA! Well,then we headed to Orchard. Kindda lost our way there. Rang sihua up & asked her how do we walk & such. Then headed back to Mrt station & took the train back to Summerset & went to cineleisure. Catch the 3.30 show for Over her dead body at Cineleisure.

That show is seriously cool,funny & it's so so so damn nice. It's definitely a must watch show,serious. Must watch it okay? I wanna watch it again! I wanna watch! >:@ Baby,i wanna watch again,you wanna watch with me? Hehehe. :D

Rating : 5/5.

After which,we went in to the arcade at cineleisure. It's so damn empty,not as noisy as i expected,thus i agree to go in. Played that Don't know what dancing game,that para para thingy,i guess? Not sure,i laugh like mad,feel like an idiot playing it. Keep laughing like hell. Oh my goodness,image spoiled. HA! :D well,i never cared about imgae sucha things anyway. HA. Or should i say,hardly do i cared about it. HA!

Headed to The Hereen afters,then we shopped around. Saw that addidas watch again! The yellow is damn nice,serious. My heart is pounding the minute i saw that watch. It seems to be telling me, buy-me-back,buy-me-back. HAHA! -crazy- But then,sadly,if only i had that much money,i will definitely buy it back. For sure. HA! Then,headed to Flesh Imp,the clothes that sells there are nice & the Price Tags are nicer. HA! The hoodies from there cost 69.00 SGD. Oh my goodness. But it's nice & i think it's worth it lor. Yes. HA!

Shopped around & we went to see the bags,sihua's phyco-ing me to buy bags with her,not again. HA! But yes,i agree-ed with her that i'm going to buy that Super Large bag with her already,so yeah. HA!

Trained back to Bugis & then We shopped around bugis village & also we look for jobs at there too. While shopping,we look for jobs to. I realise,the second floor sells more floral dress & such & more boyfriend shirts too. It's really nice,i feel like stealing it back home. HA! Navie thinking,i know. xD HAHAHA!

Suddenly,know what? I've got the feeling of trying out stealing. But i know is a bad thing to steal,so i needa drop that idea off my mind,asap. HA!

Afters,we went to Sony gallery to see if they are still selling the PSP,alone not. However,not anymore. They're selling it with games. So,i think it's not worth it? Yeah. So saddening.

Oh yes,by the way,i found a job,however,i needa wait for that person's sms/call. Yeah,next week. I hope to get her call like as soon as possible laas. I wanna start working as soon as possible,like you know. Money issues again. HA! :D

After that the four of us found a job each,however,we needa wait. Yes,wait then. :D

Headed back to Jurong Point,went to Junli house to have steamboat,my stomach freaking hell bloated. Oh goodness,damn damn full. Oh well. Had a fun time with them. Cabbed home with sihua. The uncle drive very fast & the cost is only 4.20SGD. Cool. HA! :D Then baby sent me home & then he went off.

He brought me a Newfuture shorts & also a Fbt shorts. I love it very much alright. Thanks a plenty baby. :) & yes,he finally gave me the 520th heartshape. Thanks,will put it inside the bottle soon. :D I love you baby! :D Plenty plenty. :D

Yes,thats about what took place yesterday.

Let me talk about today.

Woke up at 11.15am. Brush my teeth & then ate my breakfast & lunch too. Mom helped me to squeeze out all my pimples. Oh goodness,it's so painful. Goodness! :( But nevermind,as a girl,we must protect our face,HA! :D & then,i'm here blogging & waiting for baby.

I wanna go to Library,i wanna freaking hell dig that two books out y'know! >:@ Rawr. Freaks.

Alright alright,i shall shut my mout now,in case,you guys find me a nuisances. HA! :D
Bye! :D


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