Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It all gets better in time.

Well,i just got home..not quite long ago (Roll eyes upwards and think real hard) Ya,i guess so. HA. It's all so randomxzo. :DD I feel like eating Fries again,shitxzo okay,in the way i'm eating & eating,i'm no way gonna get my fats burn off okay! >:( Fancy there's still people saying i look like a bamboo when i don't even look like one >:( Are all this 'suan-ing' or complimenting? :(

Oh well,meet up with baby today & pei him for 3 hours straight. >:D Heh heh,i'm always with him & i'm very happy that i'm. :D I skipped guitar today,& today's my last lesson. Baby,very big scarifice hor! >:DD Heh heh,for you only neh. :D

Nin neh,i wanna eat fries lehh. >:(

Okay,eat dinner with baby & went off to playground & slack. That play ground is clean and cool,can consider going there again next time. Big somemore lehhs! & it's really windy when it comes to the night time. :DD

Going to bugis this friday with baby accompanying me. :D I lurbbbexz Babyxzxz! :DD I'm going for a shopping. Momma sponser lehxz,why not! Ha. Maybe going to singapore expo tomorrow because there's a Popular fair there,going there to buy assesment books to do during school holiday. Momma don't wanna me to go work,so i don't go lor. Take it as i accompany my momma & i can help her do house work. :) Lemme be mummy's lil' girl. :DDDD

Alright,i needa go already. Takecare peepoayes. <3

It feels so free & better off without ______. Or am i just deciving myself?

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