Monday, April 14, 2008

We're gonna go thru it all,thick & thin tgt.

I'm going crazy over 99 buses!
It's getting me more & more unbearable to not speak Vulgars. :X
Well,i'm trying my very best to pick up F language as soon as possible & then i can talk my secrets out loud,without people know what i'm trying to say. Haha! That's definitely super duper cool right? Alright,lame shitxz.

Back to topic.

99 buses sucks a hell lot. Damn it you know. What the fuck! >:@
I hate those night 99 buses,full of humans sardins. Ninfin-nafa-beifey.
I feel like killing the human sardins one by one & lemme get into the bus.
I fucking waited for 123456 years for my turn to get up the bus you know!? & i can't fucking get my ass up there,to join in the 'fun' of human sardins with sihua along,you freaking hell know? No?

Well,today's physics is rather easy though as compared to the rest of the lessons. It's more merrier,yay-ness manxz! :D

Alright,lemme talk about the interesting thing that took place this very freaking cheefi-byefive morning.

Was very very happy that baby self claim that he the MOE of singapore,declaring that there'll be no school. Well,the actual fact is that he wanna accompany me to outrum for my dental appointment. Damn him,he's my cute love laa! He made me so touched by his actions please-e-e-e-e! :D Alright.

Lemme continue..

& then,after my dental. We decided to settle down at taman's mac to have my breakfast with him. & i was very happy,thinking that on my way,nothing would 'happen'. But that friggin'hell teacher appear. Lemme not say out who's she/he. Just a DM of my school. -.- She caught me with baby walking out of the mac. Giving a hardcore stare at me & him. Giving me the expression What-the-hell-are-you-doing-here-F-E-L-I-C-I-A!? Ain't-you-suppose-to-be-school-at-this-point-of-time?! , look. Like you know. It's friggin'hell scary laas. Forget it,i pretended as i & him were plainly, friends. :]

Baby asked me what would happen & sorts of things,told him that i could just simply give excuses to DM. & i fucking hit the jackpot. I was right for what i've said earlier on. Friggin'hell,that DM called my form cher,who is also another DM in my school. & that form cher of mine called up my mother & told her everything about it. -.- Which is like,whatever?! Do you think i give it a damn? No,fyi. -.-

& then i she asked me all sorts of things & stuffs,i replied in a firm way,that's of course,if not she would know that i'm lying or things like that.

Went home,then asked her why she ring me up & then she the same questions again,like. Arhs,whatever. -.- Replied back the same thing,it matters only whether she wanna believe it not. Duhh!

Then that father of mine,came to ask me the SAME exact question,like again! & i was really fed'up. I told him,why must everyone ask the same question when i have repeated the answer upteen times. Fuck please! Ninfin-nafa-beifey,cheefi-byefive laas! I ignore him all the way. He told me not to treat him like an idiot,having that navie thought that he don't know anything. Well,do you think i give it a big fuck? No,fyi! Thank you very much. : ] Basfar-tardfer!

& i shall not post out what i've said to them. It's a confidential thing,know it,keep quite,if not,too bad for you. :]

Bad,i needa improve on english las! I wanna read up story books please! Any kind soul to buy the two books i wanted for me? Pretty please? :D

Well,today baby went to celebrate Junzhi's birthday with his brother,in advance. His birthday is on the 16th April,so here i wish his brother(Junzhi) a Happy 16th birthday. [: Enjoy,yo! :D

For you say,you'd stand by my side
& go thru thick & thin with me.
Never,will you leave.

I-fi-love-fer-you-fu. :]

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