Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mens. sucks a big time,damn! >:@

I'm damn hungry & bored now. No one to entertain me at all,shag.

Well,school's very boringggggggggggg today. I keep dozing off during Maths lessons & physics too. Damn! & i fucking slept for 2 hours plus straight. Was really really tired & feel so weak today,din't know why. -,- after which,we were being held back due to .. My form cher,he wants to re-arrange our sitting arrangement. Thus,held back for about 15-20 mins. It's so boringgggggggggg.

Baby reach home kindda early today. He sms me immediately after he reached home i suppose? Yeah,i suppose. & i replied his sms & all.

I don't really know what to post now. It's boring boring today.

I'm having split headache now & then. The pain really bad today,why i kept having headache uhr? So shagg. Today's mood is shag & plus! i've got mens,it dampens my mood totally.

Oh ya! Forgotten about this,my English teacher is being changed. From Miss crystal tan to Mdm priya. Oh well,she's so scarstic & she freaking hell know F language,i told her to teach me & she say that she's a english teacher who teaches english & not F language. Damn! So shag please! zZz!

Well,i had a composition to do. I don't feel like doing it lehhs,the mood is not there. How? I'm dead meat.

That pig pork pig pork pig pork is oink-ing now. Freak him,he's sucha pig pork! Kill him for me please! >:@ Bite him! >:El

Nothing more to post,bye! :]

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