Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hi! [:

Just finish my blog-hopping due to boredness.
I'm going Oh-so-crazy-cranky now. I'm so-so-so-don't-understand-why.
Why i see so many people imitating how i blog & all? o.o
Am i being too sensitive or was it that what i think & see is right? But i trust what my eyes & mind tell me,is. I hate it a truck-bucket loads. Fuck!
Well,not pin-pointing. It's plainly just wondering why. I don't friggin'hell like hardcore copycat-ers. Copycat-ers has got no life man! Shitxz.

Well,mid year is round the corner. Gotta get my socks pulled up & get my confidences back in one whole piece & not bits & pieces here & there. No! I don't allow myself to fail my mid year. None of the paper should be broader line passing. It must at least hit a 60. I'm kind of giving myself too much pressure. But well,that's upper secondary life. I must be really glad that i'm not in thru-train class. If not i don't know,my BFF will get to see how haggard i'm. Oh-so-umglam-please! :X

Well,baby is having his Lessons at Fou tang currently. & i'm here rotting,decomposing & all. Damn me. I'm bored with him entertaining me.

Oh-so-great! I finally did my homework & finish them,all! That's very very encouraging & very very very rare that i would do homework if it's last year. Or should i say,even there's homework,i don't even bother to do? HA. Well,that's the past,Presence is presence. I shall not look back. :D Alright,i shall continue to work real hard to achieve better results.

Well,i ain't sure if i'll still be blogging daily? I bet yes? Unless i'm far way to lazy to do so,then too bad. Wait for my lastest updated post alright! Keep trace off my life. Ifi-lovefer-youfu. [ :

I miss BFFs badly! I wanna go out with them! It's been 123456 years since i last went out with them! Hey,BFFs,if you happen to see this! Do some self reflection! Make some time out for Mf! Lets go take neoprints alright? Why not during teo's brithday?! :DDDDD
I miss TEOJIAHUI v.much! :(

PS: TEOJIAHUI! Have you forgotten me,this bestie of yours? You must have forgotten me right? You din't come my blog to tag me as often as you can lor! Wao lao! Where can like that sial. How could you have got me placed behind of your mind?! I miss you v.much lehs! I don't care! I wanna go out with you sometime! You better make some time for me! We're drifting you know?! I don't want,i wanna us to be back like how we used to be,playing & fooling around. Studying tgt! Study tgt with me laas! I miss you laas! Did you miss me anot?! MY BESTIE(FO'LIFE)?!

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