Wednesday, April 16, 2008

2 more weeks to go..

Alright,i went home immediately as soon as teacher releases us from school.
Rushed back home,& i freaking hell reach home at about 1.40? o.o! That's very very very early, it's been very long since i reach home at about 1 plus plus pm already! :D Good job,Ft. [ :

Well,i'm late for school today,with the accompanion of sihua too. Sorry to drag you down :X I'm so uber sorry. :X Well,then we took bus to Gekpoh & intended to take taxi there as sihua mention,there has got alot of taxi. However,due to suay-ness. We din't got any,even there's vacant Taxi,the uncle seems to fucking unable to see us flaging for cab. Noob-shit! -.-

Whatever,walk here & there,was hungry,thus i went to Macdonald to buy two hushbrown to eat,gastric was grumbling. Damn! -.- & then went out to take bus. Fuck that 243w bus,it's damn fucking full. Thus we headed to the opposite side to take 243G. Well,reach school at about 8.10 & you know what? Sihua & i din't knew that the school will call up our parents to tell them that we're late for school. Damnit! This applies to only when you're later after the time 8.00 am. Which is like,i was wondering. Since when did the school have this rule?! I din't even knew it which is like,i'm already in the school for the third fucking cheefi byefive year already! -.-

Alright,drop this matter,makes my blood boil speaking about it. -.-

Now i'm home,gonna get creaking with my D&T already,it's been very very very long time since i touch my D&T already. Needa catch up with work & not to let others catch up with me! :D

Alright,takecare. I shall end this post here. Bye!
PS: My english today for this post is very very bad. I don't know why. Happy? Read it. Unhappy? Leave it alone then. [ :

Love love.

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