Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Alright,just came back from guitar lesson not long ago? Baby sent me home. :] Love-love. :D

Alright,had my afternoon lunch with Tohjinghui & my stupid cousin,-.-! He's sucha an ass,wanna lock up people's fruits. -.- This is so damn lame please. -.-

After which,Jinghui came over to my house to slack. Chatted & then she went off at 5.40pm. I used the comp & then off to change & off to guitar.

I'm bored now. So damn bored now. -.-
Alright,nothing much more. Bye.

Ifi lovefer Linzhilin. Ifi-missfi-youfu. :(

A weeks more to go.. :[
I'm so not prepare to go for a battle. :[
Feel like giving up,tsk!

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