Sunday, April 13, 2008

Story book,i needa get two of them which i wanted very much! :(

  • Life on the refrigerator door.
  • Abandon.

I'm so bored at home,i've got nothing to do. So,by reading story books that's being recommended by other readers,perhaps it'd kill my extra time & lemme improve on my english more. :D Kill two birds with one stone,Yay-ness! :D

Alright,i just reach home,not long ago. Back from Physic(Light) tuition. I'm late for todays lessons for about, 15-20 mins,well. It's better to be late than never,right? Haha!

Well,baby is now having his swimming lesson,& i'm rotting down here. Boring-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g! :[

I feel like playing basketball all of the sudden,please! :O Well,at the mean time,i also feel like picking up my volleyball skill too! Suddenly,i feel like going swimming,playing badminton,volleyball,basketball! Wow! So cool uhr? Well,i really hope to train my stamina. It's way to lousy,tsk tsk! -.-

Likewise,i'm looking for someone to accompany to accomplish all of the activities above.

Alright,from this post,what can you infer? (HAHA! Make you do inferences,see how well your inferences skill is,HA! Nah,joking!)

Answer : Felicia is not only bored,but hayweird up there,too! :D

I miss baby quite badly.Without him,life seems quite quiet,so lifeless. With him,it's kindda irritating,to have him saying nosensical stuffs,acting retard,asking retard questions like "Where's the toilet? Where to xuxu? At the bush? Where can xuxu?" This sorta question,he prompt. What the fuck right? He's not only being lame,also joker. People must find him zero IQ if he were to ask like this outside,to other people. HA! -.-

Alright,i guess he's ending his swimming lesson quite soon,but i suppose he's gonna play with his little brother for a little longer. HA!

Here i goes,rotting,decomposing ----->Skeleton! :O Nah nah,joking only alright! :D

God damn it,i wanna read story books! I wanna play basketball right now! I wanna do everything i've listed above in this post! Rawrrrrrrrr! >:@ Alright,i'm going crazy,ignore me. TSK! :[

Sent me to metal Hosp. :[


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