Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wao lao,i need new stationaries laa! I'm lacking of stationaries recently. Main reason : Always lost my stationaries. I guess it's really time for me to be like what Naddiah did,to write our name on a piece of small paper(yellow,that's the paper colour for her stationaries) & it's damn it cool i tell you.

My hands are blue black,thanks to today's PE lesson. Well,i played volleyball for straight 1 hours,without stopping it,it's really seriously fun. It's been so long since i last touched the volleyball & train myself already,thinking back the past ,those training,acutally its all not very tough,just that i'm not persistance enough. Damn regret please. I realise how much i love volleyball only now. Well,it's all too late to return. Well,the blue blacks are painful,however it's worth while.

Played 'dui da' with brenda,jungui,chenqi. It's damnit fun okay! I'm getting more & more on to volleyball already. I have one volleyball at home,which belongs to Junli,& i've yet to return it to her. Oops! Ha. & it's running outta air & i am wondering where the hell is the ball at now,in the store room,it's hiding! Gonne dig it outta! :D

Chenqi promised me that he'd teach me volleyball techniques! Yay-ness + shiockness sial! Last time,he's in the volleyball team when he's in China. His team is the top 3 team in National. So damn fuking cool right? Ha! No wonder he's so tall. Duh -.-

Well,i'm bored now. Baby's not home,he's out with his brother.
Oh well,i'm decomposing. My brain cells are dying. My head are aching up again. Oh,so not good. :[

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