Thursday, April 3, 2008

This guy,he's gonna be my love.
Now & forever. : ]
I love him.
& the road,
he promised to walk with me,
till i say i don't need him.
But i needa to say.
I needa him to be by my side
for everyday.
I needa him to say
that he'll
Stay with me & love me,
through everyday.
& I wanna hold him,
till the fears in me subsides
& it never stays.

This is my love boy,with him i'm happy nuff' .

Attend MC,school.
I din't went to school today,had a friggin' headache early in the morning & was drop dead worn out. Woke up at 12 plus. Was still down with headache. Damn,ate two panadols & drank the cooling water. :D Smsed baby & settle down to watch hong kong shows.

After which,bathed & headed for tuition. It's very nice for baby to bring me to my tuition place & for him to wait for me under the void deck with sucha windy & rainny day. It's so touchin' & i swear i love him to bits & pieces. He's so lovable please,what a nice gift from god. :DD I'd treasure it very much alright! :D
After my tuition,we headed to kopitiam to grab our dinner. Baby did a very stupid post that made me laugh out loud. Hahas! He's damn fucking cute! I really love spending my everyday with him,i couldn't figure out why,he's just so cute! I really wanna spend my everyday with him.

Alright,took quite a number of photos. (Includes sihua & baby.)
However,the friggin' internet don't wanna cooperate & it goes the same to the webpage.
It uploads so long & the pictures are all not in correct position after shifting it.
Makes me so damn mad please! Nevermind. I shall upload the photo tomorrow. :DD
I should be more than satisfy for that everything he has done for me.
"no its not selfish to ask for more, one more night,one more day,one more smile, on your Face.. "
I can never have yesterday,& i'll treasure everything,from the starting, back from yesterday till now & forever & make this relationship last through forever,
heaven knows our plans,
heaven knows what the future Holds,or least where the story goes.
I'm not gonna care,i'm just going to spend my life with him
till the day after forever.

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