Friday, April 4, 2008

Actually i din't intend to attend school today.
However due to some stupid reasons being,i decided to go to school.
Although my freaking cb headache kills like fuck,but i ate 2 panadols down & headed for school.

None of the taxi wanna fetch us today,thus we bused to school.
I think we shall start taking bus to school already,if not we're gonna have alot lf unwanted holes in our pocket already,am i right sihua? :)

Reached school at about 7.10? About five more minutes & we're gonna be late. However,we ain't late,we're still counted as early. :)
Took 246 to school & timing are all just nice. :D

First period of the day,it kills me. I'm gonna flunk my CT2 this time round for sure. The report writing,i mess up everything. & i don't even know the fucking idiotic lameshitxz format,how am i gonna score,you tell me?! Damn!

Second period,sophia's damn fed'up & she went to confront Dawn face to face. Sihua was shocked & she kept asking how come things turn out so sudden? Lol! Well,i guess it's a good lecture for Dawn. Who ask her to be so stuck up. & actually have the guts to bad mouth sophia behind sophia's back. Tsk,pathetic. We've acutally let go alot of matters for upteen times already,however she took everything as for granted. She thought we wouldn't find her troubles,if she really think this way,then she's very wrong. Her biggest mistake is to actually said that phrase "Brainless las! No wonder go to 3D" Ho! Just this phrase alot will make her suffer like hell. She said she's a christian & she shouldn't bad mouth others or gossip behind others back,what look at what she've done & you'll know she's a disgrace of her own religion which she respected so much on. She say as a christian they shouldn't tell lies,however she told her mom lies & went to meet her boyfriend. This is very very wrong of her,who asked her to said so many "dao li" to us last year. Now we can shoot her back already lorrs. If only she watch her mouth & actions,such things won't have happen. This is just a warning,i think if there's anytime,she'd have alot to suffer already. I bet she wouldn't dare already. And i actually hate her for being sucha hardcore copycat. Like wao lao! Aiya,forget it! I don't wanna say anymore. Drop this topic. >:@

Math lessons,everyone back to original sitting position. Ms jenny ng gave jungui,wang ming & me 'O' level mathematics paper to try out. & Ms jenny ng says,if my results are able to settle down & have the constant good results,most probably i'm able to take O level maths next year & learn mathematics with 3C during term 3. How i wish i could. But i doubt my ability. I wonder if i can really do it. Facing this much of stress,i'm dying soon. Just that paper alone,i'm gonna have more than enough to stress about already. But i thank her for putting so much hope on me & think that i'm able to do it. I just hope to do well in my upcoming mid-year exam & score with flying colours,so that i can have maths lessons with sihua already & clear my O level maths by next year. But i'm stil deciding whether to take up this challenge anot. I really doubt my ability. :(

Aiya,lessons are stressful enough to imagine. Omg. Kill me now please!
Or give me a smarter & faster brain to think! :(

I'm stress like fuck!

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