Friday, April 4, 2008

I feel like crying so much,suddenly.
I'm down with too much stress,
no matter how much i wanted to distract myself from schoolworks.
Those things never ever seems to dissappear from my mind.
It keep bugging me.
I wanna stop thinking about it,but i can't.
Those split headache that keep occuring,i can't stop it.
I kept eating panadol,perhaps it's of no use already.
Perhaps i've spolit the usage of it last time,by eating 10 panadols at one go.
I'm stupid i know. Damn me. Kill me please.
Digg my head out & wash it clean.
Clear my memory spaces.
Stop me from thinking,i hate unwanted stupid thinkings.
I wanna stop my thinking,right now,this very moment! D:
I'm so sad. I wanna wanna wanna stop all the T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G! :(

Split headache sucks.
Stress is even worst!

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