Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Alright,home right now.

Accompany Joyce just now to Jurong point to have a so-called heart-to-heart talk session,kindda able to consol her abit,cause she's just simply very very sad due to some reason being. Need not tell you guys,it's for me to know & for you to not-know. (: Unless she tells you so,if not too bad then. (: Cheer up yo,Joyce.(:

I'm now so so uber bored,why? Cause i've got nothing to do.

Oh ya! Jungui,he says that he can see that i'm under alot of pressure & stress,due to schoolwork. This is so saddening upon hearing him saying this. Mainly is because,he says that i look more & more hagard each day. & they actually say that i look underweight(cause according to what they say,they say that i'm tall & my weight is only 49[last weight,i weight] & this 49 is actually not acceptable & instead of loosing weight,i needa gain more weight.) Which is like,i don't think that i look underweight,i look more of a going-to-put-on-weight-alrd , girl.

They pressurise me to have a proper daily meal but also at the same time,they don't wana me to drop my weight further more,cause it'd look nasty. Issit so if i were to decrease my weight till 47? I don't think so right? Oh-well,i still think that i'm fat,how? Oh ya! & the funny part is,they keep claiming that suffer from eating disorder,which is so ridiculous! Omfgxzxzx! :O Well,i'll still continue to study hard laas,but it's just that i'll stop all the fatty-oily tempting foods already. I'll control my weight till it reaches my desire weight. (: Exercise more yo! :DD

NAPFA,Next week.
Mid-year few more weeks to go.
& fyi. I got 21/40 for my physics.
Which is not the desire marks i wanted.
It's a very dissapointing marks i gotten,though i pass. :(
I needa work even harder,cause i know the hardwork i put in is still not enough.
Jiayous bah,everyone. (:

Oh ya,i'll be catching Shutter tomorrow with peers. I don't know if baby is going not,i don't think so. Cause he's having his Basketball training tomorrow,which means timing will clash. So,i claim that he's not going.

I guess,i'm shifting back to Livej soon.
But i promise it'll will definitely not be a Prvt journal. (:
So sorry,i know i'm fickle minded. :3
I guess from tomorrow onwards,i'll be posting at Livej.
Look out for posts over-there. (:

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