Monday, March 31, 2008

Met up with baby love just now. I'm super duper unlike myself today,why uhrs? I don't really know the reason why too,just being bit too hyper,HA! : ]

Oh yeah,i'm so friggin' bored now,cause! He's doing his stuff & me,i'm simply rotting yo! :[ How saddening can it be to be alone,facing this bloody hell laptop,doing simply oh-so-boring thing you see.& that stupid cousin of mine,kept snoring,oh my goddes,save me from hell! :[

Damn,when will my hair grow longer? Longer than the length it's at now? When when when? I wanna my hair to grow longer & faster! Pace up abit laaas,stupid slow pork hair! :[ Opps! Cannot scold,later grow even slower,okay crap i know,whatever just ignore me & read the post la! :DDD
*Opps! Attitude seh!* Hehehe.

Why are songs nowadays so damn less ar? I want alot alot alot alto of nicey songs loaded in my laptop! Damn-you! I'm so bored now,i see this phrase repeating & repeating over & over again,now do something to stop me from chanting,rawr! :[

Oh ya! I forgotten to tell you guys something! I'm damn damn damn happy today. Twinny & i is being praised by Ms Jenny Ng(Maths Teacher) that we've done well for our CT2,as the paper is a very difficult paper,& we manage to Cling at least 20 & above. It's a well done thing to her. [: & i swear,she's a very good maths teacher as well as a DM,reason being is because,she have everyone's interest at heart. She is really a caring teacher & it's very very nice of her to gave a us a card,complimenting me & twinny that we've done well. & she say,my hardwork has pay off & she sees that i'm able to cling P1 or P2 during N level maths if i continue this hardwork. I really thank her for those words of affirmation & to compliment me. I must really really work harder to not disspoint her. [: Jiayous FLT! :DDDD

I'll be getting back most of the paper tomorrow so wish FLT LUCKS! :DDDD
Hopes are still visible,Believe in yourself. [:
4A1s are still possible during mid year,Jiayous! :D

It's sucha happy-happy-happy day for me! :DDD
Yipeeyaya Yipee-yipee-ya-ya~~(Keeps chanting non-stop & she wents off)
Tada! :DDDD

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