Sunday, March 30, 2008

I'm oh-so-drop-dead-fuking-bored!
Anyone to accompany me through-out the whole entire boring shit day? :[
I've got nothing to post? Oh-ya,whatever. Tsk! :[

I'm bored x 1000000000000000000000 siol!
I'm damn bored & i'm lazy to practice my english comprehension & vocabulary,which is like so important you see. I'm having my CT2 english test this coming friday & the paper,i guess it'd be fucking difficult. Reason why i infer it this way is because,my damn-it english teacher actually have the cheek to tell the whole class that the paper will have alot of vocabulary questions,what she meant needa rewrite most of the vocab inside the passage when you're answering the question. Which means,it'd be a fucking hard paper! Damn you! :[

I'm sure i'm getting back most of my common test paper this coming week alrd,damn pathetic please. :[ Wish me lucks,many many many okays! :[ I'm crying out soon. Oh-damn!

Alright,i seriously needa get that book asap,to kill time. Shitoxz. :[
Oh yeah,the new songs by Wu Ke Qun is up! :] Damn,his songs are getting nicer & nicer day by day! I love a few of his songs kindda much. So i'm going to get it uploaded as soon as i gotten them in a folder in imeem yo! [: Stay tune yo yo yo! :D

Ciao. [:

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