Saturday, March 29, 2008

The book, Abandoned by Anya Peters.

A Novel by Anya Peters,Harper UK. Retail price : $18
"Abandoned by her young mother,Anya is raised by her aunt--the women she calls her "Mummy". But her place as an adopted child is not welcomed by her uncle,who abuses her emotionally & sexually. When "Mummy" leaves one day,Anya is forced to fend for herself and start life from scratch on the streets. The Bestselling novel is an enigmatic tale of how the human sprit can emerge victorious even in the bleakest moments. "
Quote from : Seventeen Magz. :)
Well,i think this book will be a,when-you-start-to-read-you-wouldn't-wanna-stop-reading-it book. I'm sure it'd be a very interesting one,cause after i read the summary of the book,i already find it very intersting. I bet it must be. :D
I'm going to get this book next week with sihua love. [ : I & her are kindda crazy over reading story books,provided it's interesting ones & those which inspires us in life ones. And not those boring & those which makes you wanna sleep kind. This is the ideal book i'm searching for! Hoorayy! & i'm getting it like,next weeeeekkk! :D *beammmms!*
Oh ya! I forgotten to blog out that i saw MR.TUAFEK TODAY! @ Jurong west's 7-eleven. He calls upon my name when i passes by him. I'm shocked,totally! I'm so gald that i finally sees him & it's been ages i last met up with him. So,i needa plan sometime to go back & visit him. :DDD I LOVE MR.TUAFEK! :D
Fyi,he's the only teacher ever i respected so much & i liked so much. He's really a great teacher. It's your luck to have him as a teacher. He's like my second daddy & i love him. & so does my Fivesomes does. :D We respects him a hell tons. :DDD
With much loves,
Felicia.t :D

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