Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hellos. [ :
I'm bored now,bye! :[
Oh,i'm back to post again,just now i'm uber bored,i don't know what to post,so i din't post much. I'm not better in mood & i've thought of something to post. :DDDDD
Firstly,in the morning,i woke up & set off to tuition at approximately 10.45am.
When to sihua's house & wait for her. On the way there,i saw Yuchen(sihua,sister.) Say hi to her & quicken my steps to sihua house,cause i'm gonna be late soonnnnnn! :O
After i reached,then i realise,she's not down yet,so i brought a packet of drink to cure my thirst. HA!
Sat down & waited for about 15 mins for her arrival. listen to 'Yang cong' by Yang Zhong Wei. A new song anyway. :] & then set off to tuition. Was paying full attention today,needa catch up with the pace of my tuition. I'm lagging way way behind.
Going to Popular tomorrow to buy physic & chem assesment book to do. I needa really buck up yo! Oh ya! I forgotten that i have tuition from 12-4! Damn! Four hours straight. Shitxz man! I'm so drop-dead tired! :{ Help me. Well,i'll jiayou,cause i'm having my Mid-year in 4 weeks time. It's neither very fast nor very slow. It's just in a blink of an eyes time. Shitxzzz! :{
Physics & Chem,i'm sure to flunk the both of them.
CT2 this term,i'm sure to mess up & flunk the entire paper. & damn i tell you,i'll be having my mid year chinese oral soon. Needa Jiayou!
As for CT2 english paper,it's just next friday. I feel like killing the crystal tan. She's sucha lousy teacher. I wanna change a english teacher! Damn! :{
Oh,i meet up with baby just now after my tuition. We went to houyu korkor's house. Baby,sorry that i kindda left you out alone while we're at korkor's house. :X I'm not use to it. Sorry. I promise there won't be a next time okays? D: I misses you so much now,come back home soon to keep me accompany okays? I miss you hell lots.
I wanna go on tour with you next time. I wanna spent my everyday with you for the next following years. I wanna be with you everyday & night,as you promised me that you'll be with me through forever. You say you'll love me,alone. The things you gave your promises,you must fulfilled it for me. For i know,we'll last. I needa you by myside,everyday,to takecare of me. Cause you know,i'm weak in health. :[ I needa you to pamper me..
Stay with me,for very very very long.
I wanna work this relationship out. I wanna it to last,for very very very long.
For acsdfrfref years with him.
For,this is my biggest wish. :D
Fulfilled everything for me,thanks god. :D
For i love this boy,to the maximum. I LOVE HIM. :D
stop the jealousy,stop the quarreling.
start the love,forward to the future.
bring me to places with love that lasts forever.
With him,it's the greatest happiness i had. :D

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