Monday, April 21, 2008

Posting time,again! :D
Alright,everyday was a mixture of feelings,i can say.

Well,anyway. Met up with baby just now to have my dinner tgt with him. Awwww,i start to love him more & more each day laas,how?! HA. He's super duper good to me laas,like...i just realise it outta sudden! Oh-no! How 'bo xim' can i be? To actually realise that he's good to me only until now! I'm so fortunate yet i don't even realise it. I'm so guilty about it,am sorry baby. :]

He met me at the bus stop infront of korkor house,which is busstop near 745? I guess so. As i just got release from tuition & it started to downpour like so damn heavily which i don't know what to do & hence,Sihua & i decided to dash across the road when the green man lights up.

Chiong all the way like maddies,felt so 'orh-piang' outta sudden! :O It's so shito to actually run across the road,wearing school uniform,drenched like what-the-hell & looking so haggard. It seems like some 'ah-soh' dashing across the road with a bag over the head to shield themselves from the rain,which i think is up to no use anyway. -.- You'll still be wet as a whole. LOLOL! Looked so kuku that moment. :[

Anyway,its our luck to blame. Why? Mainly because,it'd be raining cats & dogs when our tuition ends,it's always this case,never change. Pfttttttt! This is so saddening please. Why must we be so unlucky uhr?

Okay,English paper 1 will be held next monday. Which is like coming so fucking soon? I don't know how! I needa study study! Baby,go study with me okay okay okay?! I wanna you to study with me! :DD

Alright,i seriously seriouly needa pull my socks up & score well in this exam already,i must must must score well okay! If not,i can jump down from the building anytime. -.-

Revision are starting to piles up as a whole damn lot. History remedial this wedneseday maybe at AVA room or PANEL room. Aircondition siol! I will definitely attend for sure in this case! Got aircondition lehs! Waolao,shiock-ness okay! :DDDDDD

Will be attending the B boys basketball national finals tomorrow at Toa Pahyo Sports hall. Hope that our school will be able to cling the championship okay! :D Win the glory back! :D Jurong can definitely do it! Jurong ace Jurong ace Jurong ace ace ace! :DDDDDDD All the uppersec will be attending. It's been 123456789 years since i last went for the supporting stuffs already,i miss the times,moments,everything! It's so fun being there although it's fucking hot & stuffy there. However,Toa pahoy sports hall is fully air-conditioned! Which means,it'd be shiock-ness again! :DDD Wooooohooooo! :DDD

Oh god damn it! I'll be having my chinese spelling test tomorrow! Damnit please! :[ I've yet to study the words for tomorrow spelling! Die la die la! I must study,but i'm lazy! Arghhhhh! Forget it,don't bother already,i shall study it tomorrow! I know i can do it,but i depends whether i wanna it or not,Teeeheeeheee! :DDD

Okay,it's time for me to get my ass off already,it's getting late now. I'm turning into my bed & wait for baby's phone call already,what a sweet & lovely boyfriend i have. He's so sweet to me! :D I love him tons! :D


I bet you din't know. I kind of hate to be with you already. I hate those scarstic comments you gave me whenever you're out with me. I don't know what causes the change in you. Although say,we're once a very bestfriend,however,things are changing. We don't do the things we use to do. We don't play the things we used to play. We don't have long mid-night chats which we onced used to chat till the next day. All the moments are now gone,vanish in just a few months time. I hate all this changes that have took place. I wanna us to be back like how we used to be. All the fun & happy moment and definitely not the changes you made towards me. I don't know what i've done that made you to always pick on me(this is what i think) & to be so sacarstic towards me. That time you told me that you hate the changes i've made,i did change. I really did change for the friendship sake. But it seems like you don't kind of bother. Nevertheless,i think that although you still tells me how you feel & think,but it's never like last time. You never confides to me anymore. The gap between us that i wanted to close up so much,is widening instead of closing up. It's all so sad to mention about. I know i could have done better,but i guess its time for me to tell you. I've done my very best,i guess it's your turn to.. Many of a times,i kept silence. I don't wanna us to end up quarreling. But it seems like you're getting more & more over. I'm respecting you ,but you don't give me the sorta feeling that you're respecting me. Your attitude towards me is on & off. You'd be so scarstic towards me. Or you'd give me the feeling that you're very pissed off by me when i don't even know what i did that made you felt so pissed off. I'm always pondering over these questions. I really hate the attitude you're giving me nowadays. I'm really trying my best to tolerate & trying very hard to bottle up everything inside me,but i can't anymore,because it's all so hurting & it's all so heartaching whenever the moments we spent tgt flashes back. Those time we're so sad that we hugged together & cry,i bet it's all a past tense to you now. Do you still regard me as your bestfriend? It's drifting further further from what we used to be like. I hope it's all my sensitive-ness.

God,salvage this friendship this is so important to me,cause she's my someone i can never fall out with.

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