Sunday, April 20, 2008

Alright,it's boring today. So uber boring! :[
Baby went to Fou Tang early in the morning.
I'm still sleeping at the unearthly hour. :]
Well,woke up at about 11. Did the new blogskin. :D
Very happy! :D

Alright,this is a super short post,i'll be posting again later! :D
I'm hungry now.. :[
I wanna go swimming again! :D

Alright,back add what i've yet to post for just now. :D Well,i'm not doing anything much now. It's so not a load of laughs for me today! D: It's gonna be his birthday in about 16 more days! It's arriving in no time please!

Baby is having his yummylicious dinner now! & i'm here updating. Well,i'm bored bored bored! ;[ Alright,i'm having my first language paper in no time! About A week? & i'm still not prepared! ;[

I guess i needa start going to Libraries & galleries to study already! ;[ My pretty sihua,accompany me there will you? :D

I've gotta start studying for my physic & chemistry already. I'm lagging so way behind! I needa practice my mathematics more & i needa brush up my english more more more! :D

I'm having my oral exam next week? I ain't sure,i'm sure to panic when i'm having my English oral exam,that Mdm priya look so stern & fierce. :[ Well,just treat her as if she's my friend. :D

Chinese i guess it'd be alright? D&T,i needs start memorising the formula & all the mechanism thingy & stuffs like that. I've got so many things to do,yet so little time to study! ;[

So many things! Rawr! :[ Nevermind,i'd study hard still,despite the stress! Kick that stress word outta my mind & just concentrate on what i should concentrate on. :D Jiayou for myself! :D

Alright,i shall throw all the unhappy things that might happen at the back of my mind & concentrate for 1 month! Excatly 1 month i guess? Yes,so that i can score well! :D

Hey peeps,if you guys are going to Library! Kindly kindly jio me out too okay! :D I wanna tag along okay! :DDD Love love love! :D

Alright,i shall get my ass off this computer chair & off to eat my dinner! I'm hungry hungry! :D

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