Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Seeee! How nice can i be? Ain't i fucking nice? (Say yes please) Cause i make an effort to come to my blog & to post like almost everyday alright! Despite me,going home late,reaching home like about 10pm? I'm god alright! :D If you say yes,thank you very much. If you say No,then foork you hard hard! >:D

Alright,anyway. I just settle down infront of my computer as i just reach home abotu half an hour ago? Well,i went to library with baby & we studied together. First time he did study okay! Great improvement baby! Jiayou for more ! :D & that sotong him,he just freaking hell realise that he's having his MYE tomorrow,only today! What the hell right?! As what i've mention,you can infer from there that he did not S____/P____ A____ right? Ha,very true indeed!

Anyway,Jurong din't manage to cling the Championship,but it's really a well done match i must say althought i can see that alot of them are panick stricken when the match first started. Well,it's normal like what baby told me. Who's not panick when you're at the match. The spectators,the competitors,the members,all will be panick. The members especially. Hundred over pairs of eyes watching the match,& moreover,it's a championship okay! Anyway,catholic high is really very hard to play against,they have very very strong players & skillful ones too. They can jump really really high manxzxzxz! :O I was so shocked when one of the teammates from catholic high Dunk manxzz! It's sucha intersting match despite the fact that Jurong lose 36 marks to Catholic high. 63:99 Anyway,i can see that Jurong did their very best already,Goob Job Jurong! :DDDD

Alright,had my dinner with baby again,at KFC. :D I'm so happy whenever i'm with him,i can be myself & he's always my listening ears,listening to what i've to complain about,what i've to nag & talk about. I know he may be sick & tired of it,but he never mention a single word about it nor does he grumbles over it. I seriously love him very much,i must say. :D

Alright,it's 10.45pm now,i'm gonna tuck in my bed soon after baby & i hung up the phone. [:

Bye earthlings. [:

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