Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Attend : MC .

Din't went to school today,don' feel like going. Mainly cause,i dont' wanna attend the D&T field trip to YISS. It'd be super boring i bet! So i din't go to school. Woke up from my sleep at 12 plus. Ate something & then off to vacuum the house & then slacked abit.

Took a nap. & then off to guitar lesson with sihua love.

Alright,baby went to fetch me after my guitar. Thanks baby. Well,he's over hyper-active today. Don't know why too. Ha! Alright,& he keep twitching my skin. Damn him! I twitch his too! Hahas! & then home.

Alright,i got all the smilies up on my tagboard. BUT!
Damn the stupid computer of mine. Fucking log me out of the webpage & then all the hardwork is GONE! Fuck please! All the cute cute smilies i've found is now gone! What a waste! I needa redo it tomorrow! Damn fed'up. :[

PS: Sihua love,cheer up alright. You're not a failure. Just that you've undergo more things & gain more experiences from there & you'll think you're not a failure alrd. I'm just telling you what occures on me. Well,do takecare & last long. Remember every single word i say. :D Love you! :DD Seeya tomorrow! :DD

Alright peeps,offta sleep. Nights! :D
Love love.

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