Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today is not the day for me.

NAPFA today,sucks a big time.
Shall not mention about it anymore,it's just simply unfair! Damn! Drop this topice.

Reach home at about 6? I ain't sure too,bath & then i'm right now using this "old" computer of mine,simply because i can't be bothered to take my laptop out. Damn me. Lazy-bum,shitxz! I've yet to eat my dinner too,oh well.

Went to sophia house right after school dissmisal. Many of a things happen just in a day due to some stupid draft? Okay,whatever it's. Shall not get myself invovled too. Neither ask me about it,i don't feel like bringing up the matter too. It's just too,okay,none of the phrase can describe how i feel anyway. So..whatever. -.-

Alright,kindda attitude i know,pardon me. I'm not in a very good mood now.

DNT today,kindda boring. Lesson was all about mechanism. It's boring boring-oo. & we were being punished to stand still for about 10 mins,cause we simply wasted our teacher's time. What a lame joke,HA! -.-

Alright,nothing seems to interest me for the entire day. Nothing seems to be right for me. Damn,i'm hectic enough. Please,leave me alone. I needa peace of mind.

Forget it. Bye! :[

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