Saturday, March 22, 2008

Raining kittens & puppies,sucks! -.-

Woke up at 11am today. Supposingly to meet up with baby @ 12 noon to accompany him to Jurong west Stadium to take his Bronze swimming test. & then,i forgotten that i had tuition today @ 12 too! Damnxz me. Tsk!

After which,woke up & then send a sms to him to tell him that i'm unable to go. & then after which,i prepare alrd & then outta i went,to tuition. Shagg.

I din't have the mood to have tuition anyway,i suddenly feel like i'm uber stupid. I can't understand the chemistry lesson thru-out the 2 hrs. I'm only able to understand bits & pieces here & there only. It's not like i din't pay attention,i did. But however,i still don't quite get what the whole matter is all about. I felt so stupid that moment of time. I admit,i'm stupid. Tsk! >:(

Tuition was being delay by 5 minutes plus plus. & the thunder & lightnings are kindda scary. I'm so scared that the bolt will strike me(thinking too much,BUT IT'S POSSIBLE HOR!). & then i called my mom what to do,then she told me to either take taxi home or take bus to Jp & changed to 243w. Of course,due to laziness,i decided to take taxi home laas. *Big fat smile* When i'm almost reaching my house,i on-called my mother to come down to pay for me the fares. :D

Bath-d immediately when i reached home.I'm not the smelly smelly me hor! :DD
Well,baby say i've weird habits. & that's ,i'll keep finding myself smelly when i'm not smelly at all. No matter what,whenever i sweat,or after i sweat,i needa bath immediately,i don't care whether it's not smelly or not. I just can't stand myself being so sticky. Oh gosh! Tsk tsk tsk.

Tuition's speed is too fast for me to catch up,how? Shitxzxz.

Baby's going out now. He's going to Fo tang. I'm home alone,so bored! Tsk tsk tsk. Shitxzxz laas..
Okay,whatever it's i shall go back to my msn-ing with sihua & peoples. (: Byebye.

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