Saturday, March 22, 2008

Pictures. (:

Some random pictures i've
i've nothing to do,thus i'm posting it out. :D
Hi,sihua. My pretty lady.
♥ :D
They're my envies Love. :D
From left : Sophia,Sihua :D I got-cha! You can't run! :D
Here's my 2 years odd sister.
I love her damn loadxzxzx outta sudden.
& i've the urge to post her cute & pretty pictures out! :D
Enjoy okays! :D
Warning! : Becareful that you might fall for her. :D
Here's a little twist she gave. :D
What a femine lady uhrs. (:
Oh,this is cute! :D
Her smiles,kills. :D
Ain't she cute?
She do all the posing for me to shoot. :D
Nice smile she had uhrs? :D
Okay,she isn't ready. Let's get one more nice one.
Good job! Nice one! :D

Here, she's my sister,my ♥. :D
Takecare & bye! :D
She smiles at you! :D
I'm sure you'll love her to bits & pieces,like how my

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