Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I fucking wanna own that Sony T300 Camera!
Any kind soul,or rich handsome guys or Pretty ladies willing to invest it on me?
HA. What-a-joke! What a "investment"! Pretty bullshit! :O
I'm getting a little high over taking pictures on a random timing,random day & with random places & different people of different scenarios! Hey,like you imagine. Taking pictures of people's natural actions instead of a stiff postual. Which one will look more natural? Of course the one with natural actions being done!
Taking picturses to your moods. Ain't that cool? Taking pictures to suits your likings,ain't that great?
&&&! SONY PSP & IPOD NANO! I want them in my bags right now! Grant me that wish! Ho! :D

Okay Okay damn,slap me awake. It's nighttime & i knew. But Felicia! You're not sleeping yet,& moreover. No day dreaming allowed! :(

Shitxz! I wanna own that camera of my own! But,you see. I've got so fucking many things to save up money for. Everyday in life,you can't live without a single cent in your pockets holes. If not,you'll definitely feel so odd.

I've got freaking hell lots of stuffs to buy! What-a-materialistic-girl-i-am! :( Say,it's sad please! :(
& i swear. I won't use a single cent of my parents from now on to get things i need/wanted. I'll try to save up on my own instead! I'm a good girl ain't i ? Say yes please! Ha.

Sony T300 Camera,IPOD NANO & SONY PSP,here i come! Wait for me right there! :D I'll soon own you & get you stuff right inside my pocket holes! :DDDDD

Do miss me,bye earthlings! (:

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