Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ha! Without me even realizing. Two more weeks time & it'd be my NAPFA Test alrd. *Horrors!* It've been so long since i last went to jogging/running & things like that. I'm so afraid that i'd fail my NAPFA test. Shitxz,i needa go run alrd.

Perhaps i'll be going to run tmr with sihua accompanion. Go jogging jogging. Teeheehee! :D Drain away all my fats,so that baby will have got nothing to say to me regarding my fats alrd. Tsk! >:) I'm targeting to drain away 2 kg of fats. & i think that's possible if i wanna to. :D Jiayous in drainig away fats. Ha! :D

Oh ya! I feel like going to work yo! I really feel like going manxz! i can't help but to keep thinking of that senstive money issue. My mind is all about ($)-this dollar sign manxz! Money money,drop from the heave please. :( Rahh! I want alot alot alot of Dollar sign notes. >:# & i don't wanna spent my parents money like as if it's just normal wasted paper alrd. I needa consider for them before myself,that's what i should really do,shouldn't i?

All the gadgets,stuffs i wanted,i'll buy it with my own savings or money i earn. I must know that,the situation ain't like before alrd. I ain't that "rich girl" people onced used to call me. I'm just that normal me. (: I'll have more self-independence over dollar sign. (:

Oh,Realise that there's alot of up coming stuffs. Well...

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