Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I want this watch alot! :D

Omg,i fancy a watch from Roxy. It's white in colour,& it's damn nice i tell you. Now,lemme show you the picture. Damn nice ok! :D

Now you saw? Isn't it nice? Oh My God,but i din't never get this watch,cause it's selling in austraila not in singapore. Sad thing. If only i had this watch,wow! I love it!

& damn,i've yet gotten my school bagpack. I want that bag from Roxy too,that blue & red one. It's nice ok,wao lao! Nairmind nairmind,i'll wait until the new list of collection from austraila to be out & listed in the website. Hopefully there's nicer bagpacks this brand new year! If not,am gonna pray hard that the blue & red bagpack i wanted i selling in singapore,if not. Bang,go die. :(

Oh ya! & i saw a few Roxy wallets,hahas! It's nice too,but too bad,it's all not selling in singapore,it's only for me to look & for me to fancy. Not for me to get,not only until mother brings me to austraila. Sigh! No more austraila,but thailand. Well,better than nothing. :D Still,i'm able to get nice & trendy t-shirts there,cheap ok! :D I'm looking forward manxz! Will get my girls some stuffs when i got there! :D Girls,wait for me! :D

Oh yes! Tomorrow is my first day of school,& i'm super duper excited please! I'm so damn happy! Yes,very very happy! Am able to see my new friends & my old classmates! Of course happy laaas! Finally,able to wear upper sec uniforms,it's one of my wish to wear upper sec uniform as the lower sec uniform are a loads of crap. Hohoho! Minus lower sec uni,plus upper sec uni equals to Yayness! :D

Also,i'm meeting my girlfriends tomorrow at jurong point(?),& have our lunch tgt! Too,i'm looking forward to tomorrow! & i'm having my tuition @ 3.30pm with jungui,kevin(xiao bu dian = xbd) & sihua(babe)! :D New year,new life,new start! :D

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